R-values 2nd rad variable Radians radians function Ramamoorthi, Ravi RandomRotate variable RandomScale variable Raster position 2nd 3rd Rasterization 2nd 3rd Rasterization stage Ratio between reflected light and refracted light Read control 2nd Real-time atmospherics Real-Time Stroke-based Halftoning (Freudenberg) Realism RealWorldz, 2D instead of 3D noise Altgrad map atmospheric effects caustic effects clouds DLU node features fractal terrains function tree 2nd implementation internals lighting LOD (level-of-detail) Math node Multifractal node mushroom transformation node types noise texture creation noise values and derivatives ocean overhanging terrain performance considerations planet creation planetary landscapes postprocessing height field terrain quadtree structure separate terrain function trees shading sky color smoke surface normals terrain color texture map 2nd textures tile set noise tile sets VBO (vertex buffer object) Reciprocal of positive square root Recursive function Reeves, Bill reflect function 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Reflectance model ReflectDir variable Reflected vector Reflection vector 2nd reflectionDir vector Reflections AlienRockArt planet computing 2nd direction 2nd 3rd divider cone horizon cone ocean point R properties reducing terrain Reflections on Spheres and Cylinders of Revolution (Glaeser) Reflectivity reflectVec variable refract function 2nd 3rd Refracted vector 2nd Refraction Cg shaders ratio of indices wavelength dependent Refraction effect Regular patterns amount of fuzz (blurriness) antialiased transitions between stripe colors smooth transitions between stripe color and background color stripes fragment shader stripes vertex shader Relational and equality operators (>, <=, >, >=, ==, !=) Relational operations based on vectors Relational operators (<, >, <=, and >=) 2nd 3rd 4th Render targets, multiple 2nd Rendering 2nd 3rd advanced effects double buffering installing program as part of state installing program objects as part of state objects with mirrorlike qualities ocean passes sampling pixels multiple times scene graphs windows supporting Rendering algorithms understanding user-created Rendering Outdoor Light Scattering in Real Time (Hoffman and Preetham) Rendering pipeline 2nd RenderMan 2nd RenderMan Interface Specification, 2nd 3rd RenderMan shader RenderMan Shading Language RenderMonkey Repeat wrapping behavior Repeating patterns 2nd require behavior Rescaling normalization Resolution, increasing and antialiasing Restricted to cone of light return keyword RGB color space RGB PTMs (polynomial texture maps) 2nd RGB representation of color RGBA (red, green, blue and alpha component) RGBA texture Rideout, Philip 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Ring planet Ring world Ripple texture map Ritter, Brad Rivero, Michael RO1 variable Runtime compilation