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HTML tag
Anchor object, creating using, 926
href property, 167, 807–808
onclick event, 168–169, 173
rollover effect using, 185, 810–812, 843–844
abs method (Math object), 122–123, 910
AutoNumber data type, 729, 733
currency display, 757
Datasheet View, 741
Design view, 740
driver, 750
Edit Relationships dialog box, 737
General tab, 726
New Database option, 724
Objects tab, 740
Relationships window, 736–737
round function, 757
Run icon, 741
Show Table window, 736, 737
SQL view, 740
table design view, 725–726
version used in this book, 722
acos method (Math object), 910
action attribute (form tag), 188, 674, 716, 875
action property (Form object), 933
Active Server Pages. See ASP
ActiveX. See also ADO (ActiveX Data Objects)
array of controls, returning, 930
blocking/unblocking, 646
browser, redirecting if not installed, 638, 643
browser support, 640, 644
codebase attribute, 634, 637–638
container program, 634
detecting, 634–636, 638, 640–641
embedding, 634–637, 639
event handling, 638, 639, 640, 642
id value, 634, 636–637, 639
installing, 637–638
listing installed controls, 634–635
method belonging to, accessing, 639
operating system considerations, 644–645
plug-in compared, 628, 634, 637
property belonging to, accessing, 639
ready status, checking, 638
referencing, 639
troubleshooting, 643–646
URL associated with, 637–638
version, displaying, 636
version, returning, 645–646
warning display, 646
web page, adding to, 634–637
XML file loading, role in, 614
ActiveX Data Objects. See ADO
ActiveXObject object, 614, 900
actOnTag variable, 468
add method (Option object), 220–221
addBooking method (cinema class), 150–151, 154
addition (arithmetic), 35, 887, 889
AddOrderDetails.asp file, 761, 763, 764, 767
addPage function, 245, 246
addToBasket function, 824
ADO (ActiveX Data Objects). See also database
Connection object
close method, 753
creating, 752–753, 758
described, 747
Execute method, 753, 758, 761
open method, 752
recordset, opening using, 753–754, 758
SQL, executing using, 747, 753, 761, 768
CreateObject method, accessing using, 746, 752
functionality provided by, 746
PWS, included with, 746
Recordset object
Bof property, 755
creating, 760
database query, returning Recordset object using, 753–754, 758
Eof property, 754–755
MoveFirst method, 760
MoveLast method, 760
MoveNext method, 754, 759, 760
MovePrevious method, 760
open method, 759–760
ADODB library, 752
adoRecordSet variable, 753, 754, 758, 769
AdvertImage_.jpg files, 350, 669
cookie, updating using, 444, 839–841
timer, updating using, 349–352, 364, 829–831
Adverts.htm file, 350, 830
Age cookie, 429
function, 11, 25–26, 27–28
window object method, 159, 947
aliasing, 662
align attribute, 551–552
alinkColor property (document object), 930
all property (document object), 163, 174, 175, 514–515, 518–519
alphaWorks website, 438
altKey property (event object), 553
ampersand (&) URL item separator, 686
ampersands (&&) AND operator, 71
element, 918, 926
object, 926–927
String object method, 918, 926
anchors property (document object), 930
AND logical operator, 71–72, 888, 891
angle in radians, returning, 910
answer variable, 232, 284, 789, 790
answerCorrect function, 99, 232–233, 284, 285
answerRegExp variable, 790
Apache server, 650
appCodeName property (navigator object), 937
appendChild method (Node object), 547, 549
applet element array, returning, 930
applet HTML tag, 927
Applet object, 927
applets property (document object), 930
Application object, 712–713
apply method (Function object), 907
appName property (navigator object), 177, 937
appVersion property (navigator object), 182, 937
arccosine, returning, 910
arcsine, returning, 910
arctangent, returning, 910
Area object, 604, 927
arguments property (Function object), 906
arithmetic. See also math
addition, 35, 887, 889
division, 36, 887, 889
multiplication, 36, 39, 800–803, 887, 889
subtraction, 36, 39, 887, 889
arity property (Function object), 907
ActiveX control array, returning, 930
applet element array, returning, 930
concatenating, 130–131, 132–133
copying portion of, 132
creating, 50, 51–52
data, filling with, 50–51, 52–53, 156, 804–805
DHTML menu, populating from, 486–487, 501, 503, 506, 510
embedded object array, returning, 930
extending, 59
Form object, storing in, 188–190, 930
frames in current window, returning array of, 249, 946
hyperlink array, returning, 930
image array, returning, 163, 166–167, 172–173, 930
index, 49, 54, 56, 87, 835
introduced, 49
length, returning, 109, 130, 901, 902
looping, accessing during, 87, 88
MIME type array, returning, 633, 938
multi-dimensional, 54–58
naming, 50
navigator object
mimeTypes array, 633, 938
plugins array, 630, 631–632, 640, 938
option list, storing in, 216–217, 220, 226–227
plug-ins installed, returning array of, 630, 631–632, 640, 938
pushing element to end, 901
radio button array, 208, 213
removing and returning first element, 901
reversing, 901
Select object options array, 216, 220–221
single-dimensional, 49–54
declaring, 50
maximum, 49
returning, 109, 130
slicing, 132
sorting, 107, 133–136, 156, 804
source code, returning, 901
splicing, 901
case sensitivity when sorting, 134
match operation, returning in, 296–297, 318–319
string, converting array to, 132–134, 902
array compared, 49
declaring variable as array, 50, 52, 56
VBScript array, 921
Visual Basic array, 921
watchpoint, 902
web page, filling with data from, 53, 57–58
web page visited, storing file name in, 245–246
window reference, storing in, 249
write method, using with, 53, 57–58, 486, 503
Array function, 50
Array object
concat method, 130–131, 901
constructor property, 900
creating, 107–108
eval method, 901
index property, 900
input property, 900
join method, 132–133, 901
length property, 109, 130, 134, 189, 900
pop method, 901
prototype property, 900
push method, 901
reverse method, 134–135, 901
shift method, 901
slice method, 132, 901
sort method, 133–134, 804–805, 901
splice method, 901
toSource method, 901
toString method, 225, 902
unshift method, 902
unwatch method, 902
valueOf method, 902
watch method, 902
asin method (Math object), 910
AskQuestion.asp file, 778
AskQuestion.htm file, 275–278, 283–284, 323, 328, 782–787
ASP (Active Server Pages)
banner image, updating using, 667, 669–671
detecting, 690–696, 704
redirecting, 698–703, 720
support, 667
component, running, 704–710
cookie, working with, 689, 698, 703
database, accessing from web page using
ADO involvement, 746–747
connection, 747, 752–753
data source setup, 747–751
deleting data, 761
inserting data, 761–769
query, 753–759
Recordset object access, 759–760
updating data, 761
enabling, 665
event handling, 710–711, 712, 713, 714, 715
global.asa file, 711, 712, 713, 715
HTML, as, 667
installing, 651
logon application using, 699–703, 720
object model, 673–674
request handling
browser detection, 690–696, 704
client system data, retrieving, 673, 690–696
cookie data, 689
form checkbox data, 678, 682
form data sent via get method, 685
form data sent via post method, 674, 685
form select element data, 677–678
form text data, 674–677, 678, 682–685
HTTP role in, 674
object model, 673–674
operating system, detecting, 694
radio button data, 677–678, 682
URL, data passed in, 685–689
web page request, 650, 673, 674
browser, redirecting, 698–703, 720
cookie data, 689, 698, 703
object model, 673–674
server, installing on, 651
session tracking, 710–712
SSI, inserting in web page using, 708–710
validation, 684
web page, inserting in, 668–669, 696–698, 708–710
website representation, 712–713
.asp files, 667
ASP.NET, 718
assignment operator, 24, 66, 70–71, 369, 887
asterisk (*)
multiplication operator, 36
regular expression repetition character, 304
regular expression special character, 916
asterisk, equals sign (*=) increment operator, 39
asterisks (* *) empty string delimiters, 41
async property, 615
atan method (Math object), 910
atan2 method (Math object), 910
AtEnd method (Enumerator object), 906
Attr object, 534
attribute. See also specific attribute
creating, 550–551
value, replacing, 550
value, returning, 550, 552
value, setting, 550, 552
event handler as, 168–170
hyperlink attribute, returning, 167
element, relation to, 587
syntax, 599–600
attribute.htm file, 550
audio. See sound
AutoNumber data type, 729, 733
availHeight property (screen object), 942
availWidth property (screen object), 942
AWalkOnTheServerSide virtual directory, 662, 664–666, 670

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