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Symbols and Numerics

& (ampersand) URL item separator, 686
&& (ampersands) AND operator, 71
* (asterisk)
multiplication operator, 36
regular expression repetition character, 304
regular expression special character, 916
*= (asterisk, equals sign) increment operator, 39
* * (asterisks) empty string delimiters, 41
| (bar) regular expression alternation character, 310, 800
|| (bars) OR operator, 71, 72, 800
{ } (braces, curly)
code block delimiters, 67, 368, 800
CSS property delimiters, 604
HTML style attribute delimiters, 447
[ ] (brackets, square) regular expression special character, 300, 302
^ (caret) regular expression special character, 300, 302, 305
: (colon)
CSS property prefix, 605
HTML style attribute assignment operator, 447
, (comma)
array data separator, 50
operator, 892
— (dash) decrement operator, 37
—> (dash, greater than sign) DTD comment suffix, 595, 602
= (equals sign) assignment operator, 24, 66, 70–71, 369
== (equals signs) comparison operator, 65, 66
!= (exclamation mark, equals sign)
not equal to operator, 65
NOT logical operator, 71
>= (greater than sign, equals sign) greater than or equal to operator, 65, 80
> (greater than sign) greater than operator, 65, 80
< > (greater than sign, less than sign) XML tag delimiters, 583
-= (hyphen, equals sign) decrement operator, 39
- (hyphen) subtraction operator, 36
<= (less than sign, equals sign) less than or equal to operator, 65, 80
<!— (less than sign, exclamation mark, dash) DTD comment prefix, 595, 602
< (less than sign) less than operator, 65, 80
<% (less than sign, percent sign) script delimiter, 668, 696–698
<? (less than sign, question mark) XML declaration prefix, 586
-= (minus sign, equals sign) decrement operator, 39
- (minus sign) subtraction operator, 36
( ) (parentheses)
array data delimiters, 50
condition delimiters, 76, 369–370
error caused by incorrect number of, 369–370
method parameter delimiters, 110, 836
regular expression group delimiters, 309
%> (percent sign, greater than sign) script delimiter, 668, 696–698
% (percent sign) URL special character prefix, 686
. (period)
CSS class prefix, 448
regular expression special character, 300
... (periods) regular expression special character, 300
+ (plus sign)
addition operator, 35
concatenation operator, 42, 368
regular expression repetition character, 304
++ (plus signs) increment operator, 37
?> (question mark, greater than sign) XML declaration suffix, 586
? (question mark) regular expression repetition character, 304
" " (quotation marks, double)
escape sequence, 21
string delimiters, 21–22
XHTML attribute value delimiters, 527
XML attribute value delimiters, 599–600
' ' (quotation marks, single) escape sequence, 21
; (semicolon)
cookie string portion separator, 425, 433
CSS property suffix, 605
for statement element separator, 85
HTML style attribute separator, 447
JavaScript statement suffix, 7
SQL statement suffix, 741
/ (slash)
regular expression delimiter, 297
XML element suffix, 592
\ (slash, backward)
escape character/sequence, 21
regular expression special character, 322, 916
// (slashes) comment prefix, 11

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