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We're now going to introduce a new concept—something called an array. An array is similar to a normal variable, in that you can use it to hold any type of data. However, it has one important difference, which we illustrate below.

As we have already seen, a normal variable can only hold one piece of data at a time. For example, I can set myVariable to be equal to 25 like so

myVariable = 25;

and I can then go and set it to something else, say 35

myVariable = 35;

However, when I set the variable to 35, the first value of 25 is lost. The variable myVariable now holds just the number 35.

We can illustrate the variable using the following table:

Variable name




The difference between such a normal variable and an array is that an array can hold more than one item of data at the same time. For example, we could use an array with the name myArray to store both the numbers 25 and 35. Each place where a piece of data can be stored in an array is called an element.

How do we distinguish between these two pieces of data in an array? We give each piece of data an index value. To refer to that piece of data we enclose its index value in square brackets after the name of the array. For example, an array called myArray containing the data 25 and 35 could be illustrated using the following table:

Element name






Notice that the index values start at 0 and not 1. Why is this? Surely 1 makes more sense—after all, we humans tend to say the first item of data, followed by the second item, and so on. Unfortunately, computers start from 0, and think of the first item as the zero item, the second as the first item, and so on. Confusing I know, but you'll soon get used to this.

Arrays can be very useful since you can store as many (within the limits of the language, which specifies a maximum of 2 to the power of 32 elements) or as few items of data in an array as you want. Also, you don't have to say up front how many pieces of data you want to store in an array, though you can if you wish.

So how do we create an array? This is done in a slightly different way from declaring a normal variable. To create a new array, you need to declare a variable name and tell JavaScript that you want it to be a new array using the new keyword and the Array() function. For example, the array myArray could be defined like this:

var myArray = new Array();

Note that, as with everything in JavaScript, the code is case-sensitive, so if you type array() rather than Array(), the code won't work. This way of defining an array will be explained further in Chapter 4.

As with normal variables, you can also declare your variable first, and then tell JavaScript you want it to be an array. For example:

var myArray;
myArray = new Array();

Earlier we said that we could say up front how many elements the array will hold if we wanted to, although this is not necessary. This is done by putting the number of elements you want to specify between the parentheses after Array. For example, to create an array that will hold six elements, we write

var myArray = new Array(6);

We have seen how to declare a new array, but how do we store our pieces of data inside it? You can do this when you define your array by including your data inside the parentheses with each piece of data separated by a comma. For example:

var myArray = new Array("Paul",345,"John",112,"Bob",99);

Here, the first item of data, "Paul", will be put in the array with an index of 0. The next piece of data, 345, will be put in the array with an index of 1, and so on. This means that the element with the name myArray[0] contains the value "Paul", the element with name myArray[1] contains the value 345, and so on.

Note that you can't use this method to declare an array containing just one piece of numerical data, such as 345, because JavaScript assumes that you are declaring an array that will hold 345 elements.

This leads us to another way of declaring data in our array. We could write the preceding line as

var myArray = new Array();
myArray[0] = "Paul";
myArray[1] = 345;
myArray[2] = "John";
myArray[3] = 112;
myArray[4] = "Bob";
myArray[5] = 99;

We use each element name as we would a variable, assigning them with values. We explain this method of declaring the values of array elements in the following "Try It Out" section.

Obviously, in this example the first way of defining the data items is much easier. However, there will be situations where you want to change the data stored in a particular element in an array after it has been declared. In that case you will have to use the latter method of defining the values of the array elements.

You'll also spot from the preceding example that we can store different data types in the same array. JavaScript is very flexible in what you can put in an array and where you can put it.

Before we go on to an example, note here that if, for example, you had defined your array called myArray as holding three elements like this:

var myArray = new Array(3);

and then defined a value in the element with index 130

myArray[130] = "Paul";

JavaScript would not complain and would happily assume that you had changed your mind and wanted an array that had (at least) 131 elements in it.

Try It Out – An Array

In the following example, we'll create an array to hold some names. We'll use the second method described above to store these pieces of data in the array. We'll then display this data to the user. Type the code in and save it as ch2_examp8.htm.

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var myArray = new Array();
myArray[0] = "Bob";
myArray[1] = "Pete";
myArray[2] = "Paul";
document.write("myArray[0] = " + myArray[0] + "<br>");
document.write("myArray[2] = " + myArray[2] + "<br>");
document.write("myArray[1] = " + myArray[1] + "<br>");
myArray[1] = "Mike";
document.write("myArray[1] changed to " + myArray[1]);

If you load this into your web browser, you should see a web page that looks something like the one shown in Figure 2-15.

Click To expand
Figure 2-15

How It Works

Our first task in our script block is to declare a variable and tell the JavaScript interpreter we want it to be a new array.

var myArray = new Array();

Now that we have our array defined, we can store some data in it. Each time we store an item of data with a new index, JavaScript automatically creates a new storage space for it. Remember that the first element will be at myArray[0].

Let's take each addition to our array in turn and see what's happening. Before we add anything, our array is empty. Then we add an array element with the line

myArray[0] = "Bob";

Our array now looks like this:


Data Stored



Then we add another element to the array, this time with an index of 1.

myArray[1] = "Pete";


Data Stored





Finally, we add another element to the array with an index of 2.

myArray[2] = "Paul";

Our array now looks like this:


Data Stored







Next, we use a series of document.write() functions to insert the values that each element of the array contains into the web page. I've accessed the array out of order just to demonstrate that you can.

document.write("myArray[0] = " + myArray[0] + "<BR>");
document.write("myArray[2] = " + myArray[2] + "<BR>");
document.write("myArray[1] = " + myArray[1] + "<BR>");

You can treat each particular position in an array as if it's a standard variable. So, you can use it to do calculations, transfer its value to another variable or array, and so on. However, if you try to access the data inside an array position before you have defined it, you'll get undefined as a value.

Finally, we change the value of the second array position to "Mike". I could have changed it to a number since, just as with normal variables, you can store any data type at any time in each individual data position in an array.

myArray[1] = "Mike";

Now our array's contents look like this:


Data Stored







Just to show that the change we made has worked, we use document.write() to display the second element's value.

document.write("myArray[1] changed to " + myArray[1]);

A Multi-Dimensional Array

Suppose we want to store a company's personnel information in an array. We might have data such as names, ages, addresses, and so on. One way to do this would be to store the information sequentially— we store the first name in the first element of the array, then the corresponding age in the next element, the address in the third, and then the next name in the fourth element, and so on. Our array could look something like this:


Data Stored



















This would work, but there is a neater solution: using a multi-dimensional array. Up to now we have been using single-dimension arrays. In these arrays each element is specified using just one index, that is, one dimension. So, taking the preceding example, we can see Name1 is at index 0, Age1 is at index 1, and so on.

A multi-dimensional array is one with two or more indexes for each element. For example, this is how our personnel array could look as a two dimensional array:

















We'll see how to create such multi-dimensional arrays in the following "Try It Out" section.

Try It Out – A Two-Dimensional Array

The following example illustrates how we can create such a multi-dimensional array in JavaScript code, and how we can access the elements of this array. Type in the code and save it as ch2_examp9.htm.

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var personnel = new Array();
personnel[0] = new Array();
personnel[0][0] = "Name0";
personnel[0][1] = "Age0";
personnel[0][2] = "Address0";
personnel[1] = new Array();
personnel[1][0] = "Name1";
personnel[1][1] = "Age1";
personnel[1][2] = "Address1";
personnel[2] = new Array();
personnel[2][0] = "Name2";
personnel[2][1] = "Age2";
personnel[2][2] = "Address2";
document.write("Name : " + personnel[1][0] + "<br>");
document.write("Age : " + personnel[1][1] + "<br>");
document.write("Address : " + personnel[1][2]);

If you load it into your web browser, you'll see three lines written into the page, which represent the name, age, and address of the person whose details are stored in the personnel[1] element of the array, as shown in Figure 2-16.

Click To expand
Figure 2-16

How It Works

The first thing we do in our script block is declare a variable, personnel, and tell JavaScript that we want it to be a new array.

var personnel = new Array();

Then we do something new; we tell JavaScript we want index 0 of the personnel array, that is, the element personnel[0], to be another new array.

personnel[0] = new Array();

So what's going on? Well, the truth is that JavaScript doesn't actually support multi-dimensional arrays, only single ones. However, JavaScript allows us to fake multi-dimensional arrays by creating an array inside another array. So, what the preceding line is doing is creating a new array inside the element with index 0 of our personnel array.

In the next three lines we put values into the newly created personnel[0] array. JavaScript makes it easy for us to do this; we just state the name of the array, personnel[0], followed by another index in square brackets. The first index (0) belongs to the personnel array; the second index belongs to the personnel[0] array.

personnel[0][0] = "Name0";
personnel[0][1] = "Age0";
personnel[0][2] = "Address0";

After these lines of code, our array looks like this:









The numbers at the top, at the moment just 0, refer to the personnel array. The numbers going down the side, 0, 1, and 2, are actually indices for the new personnel[0] array inside the personnel array.

For the second person's details, we repeat the process again, but this time we are using the personnel array element with index 1.

personnel[1] = new Array();
personnel[1][0] = "Name1";
personnel[1][1] = "Age1";
personnel[1][2] = "Address1";

Now our array looks like this:













We create a third person's details in the next few lines. We are now using the element with index 2 inside the personnel array to create a new array.

personnel[2] = new Array();
personnel[2][0] = "Name2";
personnel[2][1] = "Age2";
personnel[2][2] = "Address2";

Our array now looks like this:

















We have now finished creating our multi-dimensional array. We end the script block by accessing the data for the second person (Name1, Age1, Address1) and displaying it in the page by using document.write(). As you can see, accessing the data is very much the same as storing it. We can use the multi-dimensional array anywhere we would use a normal variable or single-dimension array.

document.write("Name : " + personnel[1][0] + "<br>");
document.write("Age : " + personnel[1][1] + "<br>");
document.write("Address : " + personnel[1][2]);

Try changing the document.write() commands so that they display the first person's details. The code would look like this:

document.write("Name : " + personnel[0][0] + "<br>");
document.write("Age : " + personnel[0][1] + "<br>");
document.write("Address : " + personnel[0][2]);

It's possible to create multi-dimensional arrays of three, four, or even a hundred dimensions, but things can start to get very confusing, and you'll find you'll rarely, if ever, need more than two dimensions. To give you an idea, here's how to declare and access a five-dimensional array:

var myArray = new Array();
myArray[0] = new Array();
myArray[0][0] = new Array();
myArray[0][0][0] = new Array();
myArray[0][0][0][0] = new Array();
myArray[0][0][0][0][0] = "This is getting out of hand"

Well, I don't know about you, but my head is starting to hurt!

That's it for arrays for now, but we'll return to them in Chapter 4 where we find out something shocking about them. We'll also learn about some of their more advanced features.

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