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back method (history object), 161, 934
backspace escape sequence, 21
BakedFreshToday cookie, 689
ASP, updating using, 667, 669–671
scripting, updating using server-side, 669–671
timer, updating using, 349–352, 364, 829–831
BannerAdvert.asp file, 670
bar (|) regular expression alternation character, 310, 800
bars (||) OR operator, 71, 72, 800
basketWindow variable, 824
beg_asp3_details.htm file, 261, 825
beg_dreamweaver_details.htm file, 260, 261
beg_dreamweaver.gif file, 259
Berners-Lee, Tim (HTML creator), 522–523
BGCOLOR attribute (body tag), 7
bgColor property (document object), 7, 8, 930
big method (String object), 918
bitwise operator, 71, 889–890, 893
blank.htm file, 819
blink method (String object), 918
block, code, 6, 67, 800, 893
BLOCK object, 604
block-level HTML element, 463
blur method
Button object, 928
Checkbox object, 929
FileUpload object, 932
form element object, 194
Password object, 939
Reset object, 941
Select object, 943
Submit object, 943
Textarea object, 945
window object, 947
body HTML tag
BGCOLOR attribute, 7
DOM tree structure, place in, 530, 531–532
BodyElement variable, 545
Bof property (Recordset object), 755
bold method (String object), 919
BOM (Browser Object Model)
debugging, accessing BOM property when, 386
described, 157–158
DHTML dependence on, 445
BOM versus, 521–522, 529
overlap with BOM, 538–539
frame area object, 159
hierarchy, 159
IE, 158, 163, 445
NN, 158, 163, 445, 446
scripting, using in server-side, 669
bookingId property (CustomerBooking class), 148
bookings property (cinema class), 150
data type, 22
object, 902–903
operator, database query using, 742
image, 935
menu, 505
table, 581, 853
border property (IMG object), 935
br HTML tag, 133
braces, curly ({ })
code block delimiters, 67, 368, 800
CSS property delimiters, 604
HTML style attribute delimiters, 447
brackets, square ([ ]) regular expression special character, 300, 302
break statement, 80, 81, 84, 91–92, 895
breakpoint, 383–384, 394–395
Breakpoints window (Venkman Debugger), 394
BricksMenu.gif file, 486
bricksMenuItems variable, 487
BrowsCapComponent variable, 707
browscap.ini file, 704–705, 706
ActiveX control
redirecting if not installed, 638, 643
support, 640, 644
detecting browser in, 690–696, 704
redirecting browser in, 698–703, 720
support, 667
clipboardData property support, 176
code, opening in, 5
compatibility overview, 12–13
component, browser capability, 704–708
cookie support, testing, 437
override by browser, 448
support, 454
date format support, 137
DOM, cross-browser programming using, 557–558
menu cross-browser programming, 567–571, 575–580
mouse rollover effect cross-browser programming, 565–567
page change, cross-browser programming involving small, 514–519
redirecting browser using, 518–519
support, 445–446
text addition/deletion cross-browser programming, 561–565
text animation cross-browser programming, 558–560
directory button, displaying/hiding, 263
document object
IE/NN difference, 163
support, checking, 174, 175
version, returning using, 174–175
browser independence, 521–522
support, 522, 529
embed tag support, 630, 639
error display, 28–34
event object support, 498–501, 553, 554, 569, 577–578
Exception object support, 402, 403
font formatting override, 448
getElementByName method support, 568
getFullYear method support, 137
history list, 161, 934
img tag support, 261, 502
innerhtml property support, 569–570
innerWidth property support, 355, 848
instance, tracking when debugging, 389–391
JavaScript support, checking if disabled, 176
layer tag support, 489
loading of page, tracking when debugging, 389–391
menu bar, displaying/hiding, 263
message, displaying when JavaScript not supported, 173, 183
method support, checking, 174
name, returning, 177, 179–180, 810, 937
object tag support, 630, 639
operating system, returning, 179, 180–181, 938
Option object support, 220–221
p tag support, 452
message, displaying if not supported, 640
redirecting if not installed, 630, 643
support, 628, 630, 644
popup blocking, 257
ActiveX control, if not installed, 638, 643
ASP, 698–703, 720
DHTML, 518–519
plug-in, if not installed, 630, 643
regular expression support, 294, 295, 306, 307–308
script tag support, 6
scrollbar, displaying/hiding, 263
scrollWidth property support, 355
security, 270–271
setMilliseconds method support, 144
sidebar property support, 176
source code, viewing in, 671
specification development, 523–524
status bar
displaying/hiding, 263
message default, changing, 160–161, 946
message text, scrolling, 353–357
style object support, 538–539
temporary Internet file folder, clearing, 416–417
testing application on, 400
toDateString method support, 336
toFixed method support, 129
toLocaleDateString method support, 336
toLocaleTimeString method support, 336
toolbar, displaying/hiding, 263
toTimeString method support, 336
try...catch statement support, 402–403
user base, 13
VBScript support, 4
version, returning
document object, using, 174–175
method support, via checking, 174
navigator object, using, 162, 176–177, 179, 181–183, 937
window object, using, 176
array, storing window reference in, 249
buffering, off-screen, 946
child, 239, 249
closed, checking if, 268, 269, 946
closing, 258, 270, 947
document object in current, returning reference to, 160, 946
frames in, returning number of, 946
interval set, canceling, 352, 362, 947
name, returning, 946
naming, 241, 254, 258
onload event, applying to XML object, 615
onload event, IMG object, 935
onload event, Layer object, 496
onload event, window object, 185, 189, 226, 241, 807–808
onresize event, 925, 946
onunload event, 269, 925, 946
open, checking if, 268, 269
opening, 257–265, 947
positioning, 263, 268
referencing, 241, 946
scripting, inter-window, 265–269
scrolling, 947
size, returning, 355, 848
sizing, 240, 254, 258, 263, 268
timeout set, canceling, 348–349, 947
width, determining, 355
loading, 614–616, 625, 854–855
parsing, 592
Browser Object Model. See BOM
BrowserCapability.asp file, 706
browserVersion variable, 182, 695–696
bubbles property (event object), 553
buffering, off-screen, 946
butAddWed_onclick function, 219, 220–221
butCalculate_onclick function, 407, 410
butCheckForm_onclick function, 201
butCheck_onclick function, 212, 214
butCheckQ_onclick function, 284
butCheckValid_onclick function, 303
butGetText_onclick function, 269
butNavigate_onclick function, 688
butOpenWin_onclick function, 268
butPlay_onclick function, 642, 643
butRemoveWed_onclick function, 219
butShowVisited_onclick function, 246, 255
butStop_onclick function, 642
butStopTimer_onclick function, 349
butToCent_onclick function, 813
browser directory button, displaying/hiding, 263
DHTML, coding in, 466–468, 471
event handling
focus, 194
onclick event, 194–196, 214, 219, 229, 642
radio button, 209, 212–213, 214
reset button, 197–198
submit button, 194, 197–198, 683
getQuestion function button coding, 229, 231–232
image button, 488, 520, 841–844
radio button
array, 208, 213
ASP request handling, 677–678, 682
checkbox group, as, 208
creating, 208, 212
DHTML document, in, 466–468
event handling, 209, 212–213, 214
naming, 208
referencing, 940
status, checking, 208–209, 213–214, 817–818, 940
status default, checking, 940
status default, setting, 212, 466
Trivia Quiz application, 229–233
RealPlayer control button set, adding to page, 641–642
Button object
blur method, 928
click method, 928
creating, 195
focus method, 928
form property, 928
name property, 928
onblur event, 927
onfocus event, 927
onmousedown event, 196–197, 927
onmouseup event, 196–197, 927
type property, 928
value property, 196, 928
button property (event object), 471, 553
buttonCheckQ_onclick function, 229, 232
button1_onclick function, 320–321, 387, 388
BuyItem.asp file, 759, 761–762

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