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m attribute (RegExp object), 299
MainPage.htm file, 435
match method (String object), 296–297, 318–319, 919
absolute value, returning, 122–123
addition, 35, 887, 889
angle in radians, returning, 910
arccosine, 910
arcsine, 910
arctangent, 910
comparing number value, 65
constant, 122
cosine, 910
returning value to required decimal place, 156, 805–807
rounding to required decimal place, 129–130, 758
decrement operator, 37–38, 86
division, 36, 887, 889
finite number, checking for, 899
floating-point number, 20, 47
increment operator, 37–38, 86
logarithm, 910
modulus, 887, 889
multiplication, 36, 39, 800–803, 887, 889
number, checking if data is, 48, 91, 92, 103, 803
operator, 35, 39–42, 887
pi, 122
postfix increment, 889
power, raising number to, 126–128
prefix increment, 889
random number, returning, 126
decimal place, to required, 129–130, 758
up/down, 123–126, 128, 757
sine, 911
square root, 911
subtraction, 36, 39, 887, 889
tangent, 911
time, calculation involving, 106–107
variable, storing value in during calculation, 35–37
Math object
abs method, 122–123, 910
acos method, 910
asin method, 910
atan method, 910
atan2 method, 910
ceil method, 123, 124, 910
cos method, 910
E property, 909
exp method, 910
floor method, 123, 124, 910
LN2 property, 909
LN10 property, 909
log method, 910
LOG2E property, 909
LOG10E property, 909
max method, 910
min method, 910
PI property, 122, 910
pow method, 126–128, 910
random method, 126, 911
round method, 123, 124, 128, 806, 911
sin method, 911
sqrt method, 911
SQRT1_2 property, 910
SQRT2 property, 910
tan method, 911
Max SQL function, 769
input tag attribute, 198, 201
variable, 354
MAX_VALUE property (Number object), 911
.mdb files, 750, 753
Memo data type, 723
buffering, off-screen, 946
component, keeping in, 708
garbage collection, 26
object address, 108
reference, address, 108
menu, creating dynamic using DHTML
array, populating from, 486–487, 501, 503, 506, 510
border, formatting, 505
cross-browser programming, 567–571, 575–580
div tag coding, 473–475, 476, 487–488, 570–571
event handling
IE environment, 473, 474–475, 477, 481
NN environment, 503–504, 505, 506
function, creating using, 486–488, 513–514, 576–577
hiding menu, 476, 480, 505–507, 577
hyperlink, 476, 481, 502–503
image effect
cross-browser environment, 520, 844–850
IE environment, 473–476, 479–480, 486
NN environment, 501, 502, 503, 505–507, 512
layer, using, 501–508, 512–514
mouse rollover effect, 473–475, 480–481, 503–505, 507–508
showing menu, 475–476, 479, 505–507, 577
style sheet, applying to, 478–479, 480–481
table coding, 477–479, 481, 487–488, 570–571
menubar.htm file, 272, 280
menu_page.htm file, 252–253
function, 480
variable, 578
Exception object property, 402, 409
variable, 354
message board application
database, 796, 876–883
DatePosted field, 880
DSN, 880
form coding, 880–881, 882–883
lsMessageBody variable, 881, 882
MessageBoardDSN DSN, 880
MessageBody field, 880
MessageId field, 880
Message.mdb file, 880
MessageSubject field, 880
regular expression usage, 828–829
UserName field, 880
word, barring specific from being posted, 331, 828–829
metadata, 584
metaKey property (event object), 554
MetalButton.gif file, 486
method. See also specific method
ActiveX control method, accessing, 639
browser support, checking, 174
calling, 110
class method definition, 146
constructor, 108, 146
DOM, 534–539, 617
frame, accessing method of another, 242–247
function compared, 106
HTML table, inserting method result in, 125–126
object, of, 106, 110
parameter, 110, 836
plug-in method, accessing, 639
property, error caused by using as, 370
method attribute (form tag), 188, 674–677, 716
method property (Form object), 933
Microsoft Access
AutoNumber data type, 729, 733
currency display, 757
Datasheet View, 741
Design view, 740
driver, 750
Edit Relationships dialog box, 737
General tab, 726
New Database option, 724
Objects tab, 740
Relationships window, 736–737
round function, 757
Run icon, 741
Show Table window, 736, 737
SQL view, 740
table design view, 725–726
version used in this book, 722
Microsoft Script Debugger. See also debugging
Call Stack Window, 386–389
Clear All Breakpoints icon, 384
Command window, 384–386
downloading, 371
enabling/disabling, 374
error highlighting, 375
IE View menu, accessing using, 376–377
IIS, included with, 371
installing, 371, 372–374
introduced, 33
opening, 374–378
PWS, included with, 371
Run icon, 383
running documents window, 389–391
Step Into icon, 379
Step Over icon, 379
Toggle Breakpoint icon, 383
version, 374
Microsoft website
ASP resources, 761, 766
IE resources, 158
MtsSetup.dll file update, 652
NT Option pack download, 651
Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB driver, 752
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) type, 629, 630, 632–633, 938
mimeType object, 633
mimeTypes property (navigator object), 633, 938
min method (Math object), 910
minus sign, equals sign (-=) decrement operator, 39
minus sign (-) subtraction operator, 36
MIN_VALUE property (Number object), 911
modular code, 237
modulus, 887, 889
monthNow variable, 139
click event, 554, 556
event object, 553–554
mousedown event, 554
mousemove event, 554
mouseout event, 554
mouseover event, 554
mouseup event, 554
onclick event
A tag handler, 168–169, 173
button, of, 194–196, 214, 219, 229, 642
Checkbox object, 209
described, 924
document object, 929
Link object, 935–936
Radio object, 212–213, 214
Reset object, 941
Submit object, 943
TD tag handler, 476
ondblclick event, 554, 924, 929, 936
ondragstart event, 470
onmousedown event
Button object, 196–197, 927
Link object, 936
onmousemove event, 924
onmouseout event
A object, 811, 843–844
capturing, 475
described, 924
div tag handler, 474–475, 476, 502
document object, 477, 480
img tag handler, 46
Layer object, 496, 503, 505, 506
layer tag, behavior in relation to, 502
Link object, 936
myPara_onmouseout function handler, 457
onmouseover event
A object, 811, 843–844
capturing, 475
described, 924
document object, 477, 480–481
event object coding involving, 472
Layer object, 496, 497, 503, 505, 506
Link object, 936
onmouseup event
Button object, 196–197, 927
described, 924
document object, 929
Layer object, 496
Link object, 936
rollover effect involving image
sound, playing on rollover, 647, 856–858
switching image on rollover, 185, 810–812, 847
rollover effect using A tag, 185, 810–812, 843–844
rollover effect using DHTML
color change, 456–457
cross-browser programming, 565–567
style change, 480–481
text change, 456–457, 565–567
rollover effect using RealPlayer, 647, 856–858
mouseevent.htm file, 556
mouseLastIn variable, 577, 578
moveBy method
Layer object, 491
window object, 947
moveDiv function, 847, 848
MoveFirst method
Enumerator object, 906
Recordset object, 760
MoveLast method (Recordset object), 760
MoveNext method
Enumerator object, 906
Recordset object, 754, 759, 760
moveParas function, 459–460
MovePrevious method (Recordset object), 760
moveTo method
Layer object, 491
window object, 947
MovingTags_IE.htm file, 459, 494
MovingTags_NN.htm file, 495, 516
MovingTags_NN_IE.htm file, 516
msgobj variable, 618
MSIEPage.htm file, 179
MtsSetup.dll file, 652
multicol_heading.jpg file, 280
multiline property (RegExp object), 915
multiplication (arithmetic), 36, 39, 800–803, 887, 889
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions type. See MIME type
myAge variable, 75, 400
MyAppVariable variable, 713
myButton_onclick function, 196
myButton_onmousedown function, 197
myButton_onmouseup function, 197
MyCinemaBookingClasses.js file, 150
myDate variable, 340
myDiv_onmouseover function, 496
MyFormPage.htm file, 674
myLayer_onmouseover function, 496
mylink_onclick function, 499
myMatchArray variable, 297
myName variable, 79
myNumber variable, 672 file, 708–709
myPage.htm file, 662
myPage2.htm file, 662
myPara object, 455, 457
myPara_onmouseout function, 457
myRegExp variable, 302
MySessionVariableName variable, 712
mySQL variable, 758, 768
myString variable, 119, 315
myTemp variable, 94
MyWebPage.asp file, 708

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