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Microsoft® JScript®
item Method
 Language Reference 
Version 3 

See Also                  Applies To

Returns the current item in the collection.
myEnum.item( )

The myEnum argument is any Enumerator object.

Return Value
The item method returns the current item. If the collection is empty or the current item is undefined, it returns undefined.

In following code, the item method is used to return a member of the Drives collection:

function ShowDriveList()
  var fso, s, n, e, x;
  fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
  e = new Enumerator(fso.Drives);
  s = "";
  for (; !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext())
    x = e.item();
    s = s + x.DriveLetter;
    s += " - ";
    if (x.DriveType == 3)
      n = x.ShareName;
    else if (x.IsReady)
      n = x.VolumeName;
      n = "[Drive not ready]";
    s +=  n + "<br>";

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