Javascript debugger
Website design
Procedural style:
Object oriented style (method):
result {
bool field_seek(int fieldnr);
Sets the field cursor to the given offset. The next call to maxdb_fetch_field() will retrieve the field definition of the column associated with that offset.
To seek to the beginning of a row, pass an offset value of zero.
$maxdb = new maxdb("localhost", "MONA", "RED", "DEMODB");
/* check connection */
if (maxdb_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n", maxdb_connect_error());
$query = "SELECT name, cno from hotel.customer ORDER BY cno";
if ($result = $maxdb->query($query)) {
/* Get field information for 2nd column */
$finfo = $result->fetch_field();
printf("Name: %s\n", $finfo->name);
printf("Table: %s\n", $finfo->table);
printf("max. Len: %d\n", $finfo->max_length);
printf("Flags: %d\n", $finfo->flags);
printf("Type: %d\n\n", $finfo->type);
/* close connection */
$link = maxdb_connect("localhost", "MONA", "RED", "DEMODB");
/* check connection */
if (maxdb_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n", maxdb_connect_error());
$query = "SELECT name, cno from hotel.customer ORDER BY cno";
if ($result = maxdb_query($link, $query)) {
/* Get field information for 2nd column */
maxdb_field_seek($result, 1);
$finfo = maxdb_fetch_field($result);
printf("Name: %s\n", $finfo->name);
printf("Table: %s\n", $finfo->table);
printf("max. Len: %d\n", $finfo->max_length);
printf("Flags: %d\n", $finfo->flags);
printf("Type: %d\n\n", $finfo->type);
/* close connection */
The above examples would produce the following output:
Name: NAME
max. Len: 10
Flags: -1
Type: 2
maxdb_fetch_field() |