Javascript debugger
Website design
This function is the opposite of htmlspecialchars(). It converts special HTML entities back to characters.
The converted entities are: &
(when ENT_NOQUOTES is not set),
(when ENT_QUOTES is set),
and >
The string to decode
The quote style. One of the following constants:
Constant Name | Description |
ENT_COMPAT | Will convert double-quotes and leave single-quotes alone (default) |
ENT_QUOTES | Will convert both double and single quotes |
ENT_NOQUOTES | Will leave both double and single quotes unconverted |
$str = '<p>this -> "</p>';
echo htmlspecialchars_decode($str);
// note that here the quotes aren't converted
echo htmlspecialchars_decode($str, ENT_NOQUOTES);
The above example will output:
<p>this -> "</p>
<p>this -> "</p>