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Clauses Expressions can be used at several points in SQL statements, such as in the ORDER BY
clauses of SELECT
statements, in the WHERE
clause of a SELECT
statement, or in SET
statements. Expressions can be written using literal values, column values, NULL
, built-in functions, stored functions, user-defined functions, and operators. This chapter describes the functions and operators that are allowed for writing expressions in MySQL. Instructions for writing stored functions and user-defined functions are given in Chapter 17, Stored Procedures and Functions, and Section 24.2, “Adding New Functions to MySQL”. See Section 9.2.3, “Function Name Parsing and Resolution”, for the rules describing how the server interprets references to different kinds of functions.
An expression that contains NULL
always produces a NULL
value unless otherwise indicated in the documentation for a particular function or operator.
Note: By default, there must be no whitespace between a function name and the parenthesis following it. This helps the MySQL parser distinguish between function calls and references to tables or columns that happen to have the same name as a function. However, spaces around function arguments are permitted.
You can tell the MySQL server to accept spaces after function names by starting it with the --sql-mode=IGNORE_SPACE
option. (See Section 5.2.6, “SQL Modes”.) Individual client programs can request this behavior by using the CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE
option for mysql_real_connect()
. In either case, all function names become reserved words.
For the sake of brevity, most examples in this chapter display the output from the mysql program in abbreviated form. Rather than showing examples in this format:
mysql> SELECT MOD(29,9);
| mod(29,9) |
| 2 |
1 rows in set (0.00 sec)
This format is used instead:
mysql> SELECT MOD(29,9);
-> 2
This table is part of an ongoing process to expand and simplify the information provided on these elements. Further improvements to the table, and corresponding descriptions will be applied over the coming months.
Name | Description |
ABS() | Return the absolute value |
ACOS() | Return the arc cosine |
ADDDATE() (v4.1.1) | Add dates |
ADDTIME() (v4.1.1) | Add time |
AES_DECRYPT() | Decrypt using AES |
AES_ENCRYPT() | Encrypt using AES |
AND , && | Logical AND |
ASCII() | Return numeric value of left-most character |
ASIN() | Return the arc sine |
ATAN2() , ATAN() | Return the arc tangent of the two arguments |
ATAN() | Return the arc tangent |
AVG() | Return the average value of the argument |
BENCHMARK() | Repeatedly execute an expression |
BETWEEN ... AND ... | Check whether a value is within a range of values |
BIN() | Return a string representation of the argument |
BINARY | Cast a string to a binary string |
BIT_AND() | Return bitwise and |
BIT_COUNT() | Return the number of bits that are set |
BIT_LENGTH() | Return length of argument in bits |
BIT_OR() | Return bitwise or |
BIT_XOR() (v4.1.1) | Return bitwise xor |
& | Bitwise AND |
| | Bitwise OR |
^ | Bitwise XOR |
/ | Division operator |
CASE | Case statement |
CAST() | Cast a value as a certain type |
CEILING() , CEIL() | Return the smallest integer value not less than the argument |
CHAR_LENGTH() | Return number of characters in argument |
CHAR() | Return the character for each integer passed |
CHARSET() (v4.1.0) | Return the character set of the argument |
COALESCE() | Return the first non-NULL argument |
COERCIBILITY() (v4.1.1) | Return the collation coercibility value of the string argument |
COLLATION() (v4.1.0) | Return the collation of the string argument |
COMPRESS() (v4.1.1) | Return result as a binary string |
CONCAT_WS() | Return concatenate with separator |
CONCAT() | Return concatenated string |
CONNECTION_ID() | Return the connection ID (thread ID) for the connection |
CONV() | Convert numbers between different number bases |
CONVERT_TZ() (v4.1.3) | Convert from one timezone to another |
COS() | Return the cosine |
COT() | Return the cotangent |
COUNT(DISTINCT) | Return the count of a number of different values |
COUNT() | Return a count of the number of rows returned |
CRC32() (v4.1.0) | Compute a cyclic redundancy check value |
CURDATE() | Return the current date |
CURRENT_USER() , CURRENT_USER | Return the username and hostname combination |
CURTIME() | Return the current time |
DATABASE() | Return the default (current) database name |
DATE_ADD() | Add two dates |
DATE_FORMAT() | Format date as specified |
DATE_SUB() | Subtract two dates |
DATE() (v4.1.1) | Extract the date part of a date or datetime expression |
DATEDIFF() (v4.1.1) | Subtract two dates |
DAY() (v4.1.1) | Synonym for DAYOFMONTH() |
DAYNAME() (v4.1.21) | Return the name of the weekday |
DAYOFMONTH() | Return the day of the month (1-31) |
DAYOFWEEK() | Return the weekday index of the argument |
DAYOFYEAR() | Return the day of the year (1-366) |
DECODE() | Decodes a string encrypted using ENCODE() |
DEFAULT() | Return the default value for a table column |
DEGREES() | Convert radians to degrees |
DES_DECRYPT() | Decrypt a string |
DES_ENCRYPT() | Decrypt a string |
DIV (v4.1.0) | Integer division |
ELT() | Return string at index number |
ENCODE() | Encode a string |
ENCRYPT() | Encrypt a string |
<=> | NULL-safe equal to operator |
= | Equal operator |
EXP() | Raise to the power of |
EXPORT_SET() | Return a string such that for every bit set in the value bits, you get an on string and for every unset bit, you get an off string |
EXTRACT | Extract part of a date |
FIELD() | Return the index (position) of the first argument in the subsequent arguments |
FIND_IN_SET() | Return the index position of the first argument within the second argument |
FLOOR() | Return the largest integer value not greater than the argument |
FORMAT() | Return a number formatted to specified number of decimal places |
FOUND_ROWS() | For a SELECT with a LIMIT clause, the number of rows that would be returned were there no LIMIT clause |
FROM_DAYS() | Convert a day number to a date |
FROM_UNIXTIME() | Format date as a UNIX timestamp |
GET_FORMAT() (v4.1.1) | Return a date format string |
GET_LOCK() | Get a named lock |
>= | Greater than or equal operator |
> | Greater than operator |
GREATEST() | Return the largest argument |
GROUP_CONCAT() (v4.1) | Return a concatenated string |
HEX() | Return a string representation of a hex value |
HOUR() | Extract the hour |
IF() | If/else construct |
IFNULL() | Null if/else construct |
IN | Check whether a value is within a set of values |
INET_ATON() | Return the numeric value of an IP address |
INET_NTOA() | Return the IP address from a numeric value |
INSERT() | Insert a substring at the specified position up to the specified number of characters |
INSTR() | Return the index of the first occurrence of substring |
INTERVAL() | Return the index of the argument that is less than the first argument |
IS_FREE_LOCK() | Checks whether the named lock is free |
IS NULL | NULL value test |
IS_USED_LOCK() (v4.1.0) | Checks whether the named lock is in use. Return connection identifier if true. |
IS | Test a value against a boolean |
ISNULL() | Test whether the argument is NULL |
LAST_DAY (v4.1.1) | Return the last day of the month for the argument |
LAST_INSERT_ID() | Value of the AUTOINCREMENT column for the last INSERT |
LCASE() | Synonym for LOWER() |
LEAST() | Return the smallest argument |
<< | Left shift |
LEFT() | Return the leftmost number of characters as specified |
LENGTH() | Return the length of a string in bytes |
<= | Less than or equal operator |
< | Less than operator |
LIKE | Simple pattern matching |
LN() | Return the natural logarithm of the argument |
LOAD_FILE() | Load the named file |
LOCALTIME() , LOCALTIME | Synonym for NOW() |
LOCALTIMESTAMP , LOCALTIMESTAMP() (v4.0.6) | Synonym for NOW() |
LOCATE() | Return the position of the first occurrence of substring |
LOG10() | Return the base-10 logarithm of the argument |
LOG2() | Return the base-2 logarithm of the argument |
LOG() | Return the natural logarithm of the first argument |
LOWER() | Return the argument in lowercase |
LPAD() | Return the string argument, left-padded with the specified string |
LTRIM() | Remove leading spaces |
MAKE_SET() | Return a set of comma-separated strings that have the corresponding bit in bits set |
MAKEDATE() (v4.1.1) | Create a date from the year and day of year |
MAKETIME (v4.1.1) | MAKETIME() |
MASTER_POS_WAIT() | Block until the slave has read and applied all updates up to the specified position |
MAX() | Return the maximum value |
MD5() | Calculate MD5 checksum |
MICROSECOND() (v4.1.1) | Return the microseconds from argument |
MID() | Return a substring starting from the specified position |
MIN() | Return the minimum value |
- | Minus operator |
MINUTE() | Return the minute from the argument |
MOD() | Return the remainder |
% | Modulo operator |
MONTH() | Return the month from the date passed |
MONTHNAME() (v4.1.21) | Return the name of the month |
NAME_CONST() (v5.0.12) | Causes the column to have the given name |
NOT BETWEEN ... AND ... | Check whether a value is not within a range of values |
!= , <> | Not equal operator |
NOT IN | Check whether a value is not within a set of values |
NOT LIKE | Negation of simple pattern matching |
NOT REGEXP | Negation of REGEXP |
NOT , ! | Negates value |
NOW() | Return the current date and time |
NULLIF() | Return NULL if expr1 = expr2 |
OCT() | Return a string representation of the octal argument |
OCTET_LENGTH() | A synonym for LENGTH() |
OLD_PASSWORD() (v4.1) | Return the value of the old (pre-4.1) implementation of PASSWORD |
|| , OR | Logical OR |
ORD() | If the leftmost character of the argument is a multi-byte character, returns the code for that character |
PASSWORD() | Calculate and return a password string |
PERIOD_ADD() | Add a period to a year-month |
PERIOD_DIFF() | Return the number of months between periods |
PI() | Return the value of pi |
+ | Addition operator |
POSITION() | A synonym for LOCATE() |
POW() , POWER() | Return the argument raised to the specified power |
PROCEDURE ANALYSE() | Analyze the results of a query |
QUARTER() | Return the quarter from a date argument |
QUOTE() | Escape the argument for use in an SQL statement |
RADIANS() | Return argument converted to radians |
RAND() | Return a random floating-point value |
REGEXP | Pattern matching using regular expressions |
RELEASE_LOCK() | Releases the named lock |
REPEAT() | Repeat a string the specified number of times |
REPLACE() | Replace occurrences of a specified string |
REVERSE() | Reverse the characters in a string |
>> | Right shift |
RIGHT() | Return the specified rightmost number of characters |
RLIKE | Synonym for REGEXP |
ROUND() | Round the argument |
ROW_COUNT() (v5.0.1) | The number of rows updated |
RPAD() | Append string the specified number of times |
RTRIM() | Remove trailing spaces |
SCHEMA() (v5.0.2) | A synonym for DATABASE() |
SEC_TO_TIME() | Converts seconds to 'HH:MM:SS' format |
SECOND() | Return the second (0-59) |
SESSION_USER() | Synonym for USER() |
SHA1() , SHA() | Calculate an SHA-1 160-bit checksum |
SIGN() | Return the sign of the argument |
SIN() | Return the sine of the argument |
SLEEP() (v5.0.12) | Sleep for a number of seconds |
SOUNDEX() | Return a soundex string |
SOUNDS LIKE (v4.1.0) | Compare sounds |
SPACE() | Return a string of the specified number of spaces |
SQRT() | Return the square root of the argument |
STD() , STDDEV() | Return the population standard deviation |
STDDEV_POP() (v5.0.3) | Return the population standard deviation |
STDDEV_SAMP() (v5.0.3) | Return the sample standard deviation |
STR_TO_DATE() (v4.1.1) | Convert a string to a date |
STRCMP() | Compare two strings |
SUBDATE() | When invoked with three arguments a synonym for DATE_SUB() |
SUBSTRING_INDEX() | Return a substring from a string before the specified number of occurrences of the delimiter |
SUBSTRING() , SUBSTR() | Return the substring as specified |
SUBTIME() (v4.1.1) | Subtract times |
SUM() | Return the sum |
SYSDATE() | Return the time at which the function executes |
SYSTEM_USER() | Synonym for USER() |
TAN() | Return the tangent of the argument |
~ | Invert bits |
TIME_FORMAT() | Format as time |
TIME_TO_SEC() | Return the argument converted to seconds |
TIME() (v4.1.1) | Extract the time portion of the expression passed |
TIMEDIFF() (v4.1.1) | Subtract time |
* | Times operator |
TIMESTAMP() (v4.1.1) | With a single argument, this function returns the date or datetime expression. With two arguments, the sum of the arguments |
TIMESTAMPADD() (v5.0.0) | Add an interval to a datetime expression |
TIMESTAMPDIFF() (v5.0.0) | Subtract an interval from a datetime expression |
TO_DAYS() | Return the date argument converted to days |
TRIM() | Remove leading and trailing spaces |
TRUNCATE() | Truncate to specified number of decimal places |
UCASE() | Synonym for UPPER() |
- | Change the sign of the argument |
UNCOMPRESS() (v4.1.1) | Uncompress a string compressed |
UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH() (v4.1.1) | Return the length of a string before compression |
UNHEX() (v4.1.2) | Convert each pair of hexadecimal digits to a character |
UNIX_TIMESTAMP() | Return a UNIX timestamp |
UPPER() | Convert to uppercase |
USER() | Return the current username and hostname |
UTC_DATE() (v4.1.1) | Return the current UTC date |
UTC_TIME() (v4.1.1) | Return the current UTC time |
UTC_TIMESTAMP() (v4.1.1) | Return the current UTC date and time |
UUID() (v4.1.2) | Return a Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) |
VALUES() (v4.1.1) | Defines the values to be used during an INSERT |
VAR_POP() (v5.0.3) | Return the population standard variance |
VAR_SAMP() (v5.0.3) | Return the sample variance |
VARIANCE() (v4.1) | Return the population standard variance |
WEEK() | Return the week number |
WEEKDAY() | Return the weekday index |
WEEKOFYEAR() (v4.1.1) | Return the calendar week of the date (1-53) |
XOR | Logical XOR |
YEAR() | Return the year |
YEARWEEK() | Return the year and week |