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X.509 certificates
as checkSignatureValue method argument, 648
defined, 537
user sending, 536
working with, 537
in XML D-Sig specifications, 533-535
advantage, 312
attachments, 384
canonical form, 638
CPA elements, 249-250
CPP elements, 244-245
data-centric, 277
descriptors, 466
elements, 564-565
enumerations, 555-557
flow control, 778-780
lists, 557-558
marshalled out by application code, 554
messaging, 431-433
namespaces, 105, 106
parsers, 545
parsing, 545
presentation-centric, 277
representation generation, 549
save_service API, 204-205
support tags in JSTL, 774-781
as test-based protocol, 15
transcoding, into different formats, 302
transformation, 780-781
transformed into HTML, 298, 301
usage, 277
XML Access Control Markup Language (XACML), 658-659
defined, 629
objects, 658
XML Digital Signature Software Library, 639
XML Digital Signatures, 628, 635-639
implementations, 639
specification, 636
XML Canonical specification and, 638
XML documents
association options, 293
canonical form, 635
configuration file, 173-174
CPA as, 246
CPP, 243, 245
DTD, 745-747
encrypted, 649
instance, 744
JAXB code to read, 552-553
with schema and namespaces, 293-296
schema for, 293-294, 295-297
unencrypted, 648-650
WSDL documents and, 139
XML encryption, 648-650
EncryptedData element, 648
EncryptedKey element, 648
implementations, 650
PKI, 649, 650
using, 649
XML Key Management Specification (XKMS), 626, 659-660
defined, 629, 659
messages, 659
using, 659
XML messaging
definitions, 13
elements, 103-111
envelope, 15
XML Schema, 743-770
annotation element, 567, 759
any element, 768-769
anyAttribute element, 768, 769
appinfo element, 759
defined, 743, 744
documentation element, 759
DTDs vs., 746
namespace, 749
role, 745
significance, 744
specifications, 770
summary, 770
validation types and, 759
XML Schema Definition (XSD), 146, 147, 743
XML schemas, 145-160
assembling, 766-767
complex types, 752-759
derivation support, 220
developer interpretation, 547
for employeeList document, 748
with enumerations, 556
extensible, 767-769
globalBindings declaration, 570
JAXP and, 293-297
namespace, 749-750
new type definition, 762-765
parsing, 293-294
preference for, 293
profiles, 432
simple types, 751-752
specifications, 121, 146
states, 294
using, 160
validation, 293-295
validators, 745
working knowledge of, 743
for XML document, 293-294, 295-297
XML Security Library, 650
XML Security Suite, 639, 650
XML Signature Library, 639
XML Transactions for Java (JAXTX), 618
XMLPay, 696-697
communication, 696, 697
defined, 696
flow illustration, 697
gateway, 696
XMLSpy, 301
XML-to-Java compiler, 551
XML-to-Java mapping, 555-559
for basic types, 322
complex types, 558-559
data types, 323-325
enumerations, 555-557
lists, 557-558
primitives, 555
simple types, 555
defined, 298, 638
expressions, 658
transform, 637
XPointer reference, 637
xrpcc, 366, 367
additional configuration file, 344-345
artifacts, 341
configuration for stub and tie generation, 370
configuration in reference implementation, 342
handlerChain element, 343-344
interface element, 343
internals, 341-344
namespaceMapping element, 344
service element, 343
typeMapping element, 344
wscompile vs., 345
xsi:type, 121-122
XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO), 298
XSL Transformations (XSLT), 298-307
defined, 298
importance, 301
JAXP and, 301-306
processors, 298
transformation code, 303-306
transformation process, 298
XSLTc, 307-308
architecture, 307
code to use, 307-308
defined, 307
in production applications, 308

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