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\n character spaces, 366
{N,} quantifier, 367
{N} quantifier, 367
name attribute, 123
navigation system
breadcrumbs, 24
menu controls, binding SiteMap to, 23
overview, 22
site map file, defining, 22–23
nested master pages, 17–18
Network delivery method, 335
new features
DetailsView control, 84
FormsView control, 84
GridView control, 84
for localizing the site, 509–518
PreInit event, 19
script callback, 343
themes, 19–22
news aggregator, 183
news and article management
business layer, 195–202
configuration module, 193–194
data access layer (DAL), 194–195
database tables, 186–190
overview, 183–186
security and, 207–208
stored procedures that manage the database, 191–193
user interface design, 202–207
newsfeed, 183
Newsletterbox user control, 379–381
business logic layer
designing, 350–352
implementing, 357–367
configuration module
designing, 349
implementing, 353–355
data access layer
designing, 350
implementing, 355–357
database tables, designing, 348
e-mails, creating and sending, 334–337
managing long operations on the server, 337–347
overview, 331–333
spam and, 333–334
stored procedures, 348–349
user interface
ArchivedNewsletters.aspx page, 375–376
designing, 352–353
implementing, 368–380
Newsletterbox user control, 379–381
SendingNewsletter.aspx page, 371–374
SendNewsletter.aspx page, 368–371
ShowNewsletter.aspx page, 376–378
NHibernate, 55
{N,M} quantifier, 367
notifying users of changes in site, 3
notify_url property, 429
n-tier design
business logic layer (BLL)
caching data for better performance, 63–69
exception handling, 74–80
health monitoring, 74–80
overview, 60–62
transaction management, 69–73
data access layer (DAL)
abstract base class, 57–60
DataSet compared to custom entities, 53–55
described, 48
multiple data stores, using provider model design pattern to support, 51–53
overview, 51
providers, 52
SQL text queries, 56–57
stored procedures, 56–57
data store
choosing, 49–51
described, 48
multiple data stores, using provider model design pattern to support, 51–53
Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS), 50
edit and continue process, 49
overview, 48–49
user interface
data-bound controls, 84–85
DetailsView control, 84
FormsView control, 84, 94–97
GridView control, 84, 87–91
master-detail forms and DetailsView control, 91–94
ObjectDataSource control, 97–101
overview, 2, 84
SqlDataSource control, 85–91

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JavaScript EditorFreeware javascript editor     Javascript code