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abstract base class, 57–60
Abstract property, 198
access control list (ACL), 136
AccessDenied.aspx page, 151–152
accessibility, 24–25
"Accessibility Improvements in ASP.NET 2.0 - Part 1" (Homer), 25
"Accessibility Improvements in ASP.NET 2.0 - Part 2" (Homer), 25
accessing the profile for users other than the current user, 141
ACL (access control list), 136
AddedBy property, 198
AddedDate property, 198
AddEditArticle.aspx page, 259–264
AddEditArticle.aspx.cs code-behind file, 263–264
AddEditPost.aspx page, 400–406
AddEditProduct.aspx page, 449–450
AddUsersToRole method, 134
AddUsersToRoles method, 134
AddUserToRole method, 134
AddUserToRoles method, 134
administering forums, 400
edit users administrative page, 175–180
manage users administrative page, 170–175
overview, 170
Administrator role, 208
Adobe Photoshop, 9
ADO.NET transactions, 69–70
[aeiou] character class, 367
[^aeiou] character class, 367
all pages, applying theme to, 20
amount property, 428
anonymous users, support for, 141–142
appearance of site, importance of, 7–8
AppearanceEditorPart control, 488
applicationName attribute, 122
approval of site layout design, 10
Approve instance method, 199
ApproveArticle static method, 200
Approved property, 198
Business Logic Layer (BLL)
caching data for better performance, 63–69
exception handling, 74–80
health monitoring, 74–80
overview, 60–62
transaction management, 69–73
connection strings, storing, 81–84
multi-tier design, 47, 48–49
overview, 47–48
user interface
data-bound controls, 84–85
DetailsView control, 84
FormsView control, 84, 94–97
GridView control, 84, 87–91
master-detail forms and DetailsView control, 91–94
ObjectDataSource control, 97–101
overview, 84
SqlDataSource control, 85–91
ArchivedNewsletters.aspx page, 375–376
ArchivedPolls.aspx page, 325–328
ArchivedPolls.aspx.cs code-behind file, 328
ArchiveIsPublic property, 290, 349
Article class
Abstract property, 198
AddedBy property, 198
AddedDate property, 198
Approve instance method, 199
ApproveArticle static method, 200
Approved property, 198
AverageRating property, 199
Body property, 198
in business logic layer, 229–238
Category property, 198
CategoryID property, 198
CategoryTitle property, 198
City property, 198
Comments property, 199
CommentsEnabled property, 198
Country property, 198
Delete instance method, 199
DeleteArticle static method, 200
ExpireDate property, 198
GetArticleByID static method, 200
GetArticleCount static method, 199
GetArticleFromArticleDetails static method, 200
GetArticleListFromArticleDetailsList static method, 200
GetArticles static method, 199
ID property, 198
IncrementArticleViewCount static method, 200
IncrementViewCount instance method, 199
InsertArticle static method, 200
Listed property, 198
Location property, 198
OnlyForMembers property, 198
Published property, 199
Rate instance method, 199
RateArticle static method, 200
ReleaseDate property, 198
State property, 198
Title property, 198
TotalRating property, 199
Update instance method, 199
UpdateArticle static method, 200
ViewCount property, 198
Votes property, 199
article list user control, 204–205
ArticleDetails class, 219–220
ArticleListing.ascx user control, 249–257
ArticleListing.ascx.cs code-behind file, 253–257
ArticlesProvider class, 221–223
described, 10
localizing the site with, 508–509
.aspx file, 10, 13
asterisk (*) quantifier, 367
asynchronous page processing, 346–347
"Asynchronous Pages in ASP.NET 2.0" (Prosise), 347
ATOM, 183–184
authentication, 112
authentication modes
forms authentication, 114–115
Windows security, 114
authorization, 112
AverageRating property, 199

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JavaScript EditorFreeware javascript editor     Javascript code