JavaScript EditorJavascript debugger     Javascript examples

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base classes
inheritance, 354–55, 407
overriding Render method, 355
BaseValidator class, 264
basic authentication, 166, 428
Batch attribute, <compilation> element, 526
batch files, proxy class compilation, 434
BatchTimeout attribute, <compilation> element, 526
block-level variables, 56
boolean data type
enumerations and, 53
IsEnabled property, 488
primitive data types, 422
RegLogin control, 375
BoundColumn control, 332
boxing/unboxing data types, 54
Breakpoint Properties dialog box, 502
breakpoints, 498, 501–2, 504
break statements, 69
<browserCaps> element, 558–59
browser sniffing, 257
Browse With option, Solution Explorer, 122, 125
Buffer attribute, <pages> element, 532
bugs. See debugging
Building Web Solutions with ASP.NET (Esposito), 279
Build menu
Configuration Manager, 494
overview of, 28
username page, 177
ButtonColumn control, 332
Button control, 248
<button>, HTML element, 230
ByRef parameters, 517
ByVal parameters, 517

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JavaScript EditorJavascript debugger     Javascript examples