Script Categories

Equivalents >>> Url Revealer.

Spammers now frequently send their website addresses in an encoded form, hoping to hide its true origin and prevent being reported to their web host. This script allows you to convert these URLs into human-readable form so that you may complain to the spammer's web host and get their account shut down.

Obfuscated URL

Initial unobfuscation
Final unobfuscation

Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
/* Visit for full source code
and get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */
<!-- Begin
function unObfuscateURL(frm) {
strURL = unescape(frm.txtURL.value.replace(/\s/g,""));
strURLInitial = strURL;

numHTTP = strURL.toLowerCase().indexOf("http://");
numHTTPS = strURL.toLowerCase().indexOf("https://");
numFTP = strURL.toLowerCase().indexOf("ftp://");

if (numHTTP >= 0) numStart = numHTTP + 7;
else if (numHTTPS >= 0) numStart = numHTTPS + 8;
else if (numFTP >= 0) numStart = numFTP + 6;
else numStart = 0;

// ignore everything after the #
numPound = strURL.indexOf("#", numStart);
if (numPound >= 0) strURL = strURL.substring(0, numPound);

// if @ before a /, ignore everything up to the @
numAt = strURL.indexOf("@", numStart);
numSlash = strURL.indexOf("/", numStart);
if (numAt >= 0) {
if ( (numSlash >=0 && numAt < numSlash) || numSlash < 0 ) {
strURL = strURL.substring(0, numStart)
strURL.substring(numAt+1, strURL.length);

frm.txtURLInitial.value = strURLInitial;
frm.txtURLFinal.value = strURL;

function clearURL(frm) {
frm.txtURL.value = "";
frm.txtURLInitial.value = "";
frm.txtURLFinal.value = "";
//  End -->
<form name=frmURL>
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3>
valign=top rowspan=2 bgcolor="#e0e0e0">Obfuscated URL</td>
<textarea name=txtURL cols=50 rows=5></textarea></td>
<input type=button value="Reveal URL" onClick="unObfuscateURL(this.form)">
type=button value="Clear" onClick="clearURL(this.form)"><br>
valign=top bgcolor="#e0e0e0">Initial unobfuscation</td>
<input type=text size=65 name=txtURLInitial></td>
valign=top bgcolor="#e0e0e0">Final unobfuscation</td>
<input type=text size=65 name=txtURLFinal></td>

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