Script Categories

Date & Time >>> Binary Clock.

This clock displays the time in the binary format.

Binary Time

Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
/* Visit for full source code
and get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */
function syeClock() {
timePortion = new Array;
maxLength = new Array;
var runTime = new Date();
timePortion[0] = runTime.getHours();
timePortion[1] = runTime.getMinutes();
timePortion[2] = runTime.getSeconds();
maxLength[0] = 5;
maxLength[1] = 6;
maxLength[2] = 6;
var decValue = 0;
var decMod = 0;
var temp = "";
var hoursBackground = "#7B7BB5";
var minutesBackground = "#4D5487";
var secondsBackground = "#424A63";
var colonBackground = "#000000";
var textColor = "#FFFFFF";
for (var curPor = 0; curPor <= 2; curPor++) {
decValue = timePortion[curPor];
timePortion[curPor] = "";
while (decValue != 0) {
decMod = decValue % 2;
decValue = Math.floor(decValue / 2);
timePortion[curPor] = decMod + timePortion[curPor];
if (timePortion[curPor].length < maxLength[curPor]) {
for (var i = 1; i <= maxLength[curPor] - timePortion[curPor].length; i++) {
temp += "0";
timePortion[curPor] = temp + timePortion[curPor];
temp = "";
movingtime = '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td bgcolor='+ hoursBackground  +'><font color='+ textColor +'>' + timePortion[0] + '</font></td><td bgcolor='+ colonBackground +'>:</td><td bgcolor='+ minutesBackground +'><font color='+ textColor +'>' + timePortion[1] + '</font></td><td bgcolor='+ colonBackground +'>:</td><td bgcolor='+ secondsBackground +'><font color='+ textColor +'>' + timePortion[2] + '</font></td></tr></table>';
document.getElementById('clock').innerHTML = movingtime;
setTimeout("syeClock()", 1000)
window.onload = syeClock;
//  End -->
Binary Time<br>
span id="clock" style="position:relative;"></span>

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