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uniqueID Property

Retrieves an autogenerated, unique identifier for the object .


HTML Scripting
[ sID = ] object.uniqueID

Possible Values

sID String that receives String  that specifies the unique identifier.

The property is read-only. The property has no default value.


When you apply this property to the document object, the browser automatically generates a new identifier (ID) that you can assign to an element's id property.

A new ID is generated and assigned to the element the first time the property is retrieved. Every subsequent access to the property on the same element returns the same ID.

Note   The unique ID generated is not guaranteed to be the same every time the page is loaded.


The following examples use the uniqueID property within an HTML Component (HTC) to assign a unique identifier to an element.

This example assigns a uniqueID to an element from within a behavior. Every time the setTimeout method is invoked, the behavior-defined tick() function is called. The uniqueID attaches the element to the tick() function defined in the behavior's namespace.


var currCount; var flyCount; var flying;
var msecs; var oTop, oLeft; msecs = 50; flyCount = 20; flying = false;
runtimeStyle.position = "relative";
runtimeStyle.visibility = "hidden";
window.attachEvent("onload", onload);
function onload() {
// delay commences from the window.onLoad event
if (delay != "none")
{ window.setTimeout( uniqueID +".tick()", delay); } }
function tick()
{ if (flying == false) { startFly(); } else { doFly(); } }

This example uses the uniqueID property to show how the browser can autogenerate a unique ID for an element inserted into the page by a behavior.


<PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="onload" FOR="window" ONEVENT="init()" />
function init() {
// Specifying an ID=document. uniqueID ensures that a unique identifier
// will be assigned to the element being inserted into the page by
// the behavior.
newTextAreaID = element.document. uniqueID ;
element.document.body.insertAdjacentHTML ("beforeEnd", "<P><TEXTAREA STYLE='height: 200 ;"+ "width: 350' ID= " + newTextAreaID + "></TEXTAREA></P>"); }

Standards Information

There is no public standard that applies to this property.

Applies To

Platform Version
Win32: 5
Unix: 5
Windows CE: 5.5
A , ACRONYM , ADDRESS , APPLET , AREA , B , BASE , BASEFONT , BGSOUND , BIG , BLOCKQUOTE , BODY , BR , BUTTON , CAPTION , CENTER , CITE , CODE , COL , COLGROUP , COMMENT , DD , DEL , DFN , DIR , DIV , DL , document , DT , EM , EMBED , FIELDSET , FONT , FORM , FRAME , FRAMESET , HEAD , hn , HR , HTML , I , IFRAME , IMG , INPUT type=button , INPUT type=checkbox , INPUT type=file , INPUT type=hidden , INPUT type=image , INPUT type=password , INPUT type=radio , INPUT type=reset , INPUT type=submit , INPUT type=text , INS , KBD , LABEL , LEGEND , LI , LINK , LISTING , MAP , MARQUEE , MENU , NOBR , OBJECT , OL , OPTION , P , PLAINTEXT , PRE , Q , S , SAMP , SCRIPT , SELECT , SMALL , SPAN , STRIKE , STRONG , SUB , SUP , TABLE , TBODY , TD , TEXTAREA , TFOOT , TH , THEAD , TITLE , TR , TT , U , UL , VAR , XMP
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