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print Method

Prints the document associated with the window.


window.print( )

Return Value

No return value.


Calling the print method has the same effect as choosing Print from the Microsoft® Internet Explorer File menu. The print method activates the Print dialog box, prompting the user to change print settings. When the user clicks the OK button, the following sequence of events occurs:

  1. The onbeforeprint event fires.
  2. The document prints.
  3. The onafterprint event fires.

The onbeforeprint and onafterprint events are particularly useful when not all the information on the page is visible at all times. Use the onbeforeprint to modify the document to make all the information on the page visible for printing. To return the document to its original state, use the onafterprint event.

Standards Information

There is no public standard that applies to this method.

Applies To

Platform Version
Windows CE:
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JavaScript and Ajax Editor,
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