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nodeValue Property

Sets or retrieves the value of a node.


HTML Scripting
object . nodeValue [ = sValue ]

Possible Values

sValue Variant that specifies or receives the node value or null .

The property is read/write. The property has no default value.

Expressions can be used in place of the preceding value(s), as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5. For more information, see About Dynamic Properties .


If the object is a TextNode , the nodeValue property returns a string representing the text contained by the node.

Expressions cannot be used to change the nodeValue of a TextNode object.

If the object is an attribute object retrieved from the attributes collection, the nodeValue property returns the value of the attribute if it has been specified, or null otherwise.

If the object is an element, the nodeValue returns null . Use the nodeName property to determine the element name.


This example alters the text of the specified list item by setting the nodeValue property of the text node contained by that list item.


function fnChangeValue(oList, iItem, sValue)
// only perform the operation on lists
if (oList.nodeName != "UL" && oList.nodeName != "OL")
return false;
// only perform the operation if the specified index is
// within the acceptable range of available list items
if (iItem > oList.childNodes.length -1)
return false;
// get a reference to the specified list item
var oLI = oList.childNodes(i);
if (!oLI) return false;
// get a reference to the text node contained by the list item
var oText = oLI.childNodes(0);
// ensure that the node is a text node
if (oText.nodeType != 3)
return false; oText. nodeValue = sValue;
return true; }
<UL ID="oList" onclick="fnChangeValue(this, 0, 'New Node value')"> <LI>Old Node Value </UL>

Standards Information

This property is defined in World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1 .

Applies To

XMP Platform Version
Win16: 5
Win32: 5
Unix: 5
Mac: 5
Windows CE: 5.5
A , ACRONYM , ADDRESS , APPLET , AREA , attribute , B , BASE , BASEFONT , BDO , BGSOUND , BIG , BLOCKQUOTE , BODY , BR , BUTTON , CAPTION , CENTER , CITE , CODE , COL , COLGROUP , COMMENT , DD , DEL , DFN , DIR , DIV , DL , DT , EM , EMBED , FIELDSET , FONT , FORM , FRAME , FRAMESET , HEAD , hn , HR , HTML , I , IFRAME , IMG , INPUT type=button , INPUT type=checkbox , INPUT type=file , INPUT type=hidden , INPUT type=image , INPUT type=password , INPUT type=radio , INPUT type=reset , INPUT type=submit , INPUT type=text , INS , KBD , LABEL , LEGEND , LI , LINK , LISTING , MAP , MARQUEE , MENU , nextID , OBJECT , OL , OPTION , P , PLAINTEXT , PRE , Q , S , SAMP , SCRIPT , SELECT , SMALL , SPAN , STRIKE , STRONG , SUB , SUP , TABLE , TBODY , TD , TEXTAREA , TextNode , TFOOT , TH , THEAD , TITLE , TR , TT , U , UL , VAR , XMP
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