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navigator Object

Contains information about the Web browser.

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the navigator object.

Property Description
appCodeName Retrieves the code name of the browser.
appMinorVersion Retrieves the application's minor version value.
appName Retrieves the name of the browser.
appVersion Retrieves the platform and version of the browser.
browserLanguage Retrieves the current browser language.
cookieEnabled Retrieves whether client-side persistent cookies are enabled in the browser. Persistent cookies are those that are stored on the client-side computer.
cpuClass Retrieves a string denoting the CPU class.
onLine Retrieves a value indicating whether the system is in global offline mode .
platform Retrieves the name of the user's operating system.
systemLanguage Retrieves the default language used by the operating system.
userAgent Retrieves a string equivalent to the HTTP user-agent request header.
userLanguage Retrieves the operating system's natural language setting.


This object is available in script as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 3.0.

Standards Information

There is no public standard that applies to this object.

Applies To

[ Object Name ] Platform Version
Windows CE:
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JavaScript and Ajax Editor,
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1st JavaScript Editor.