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load Method

Loads an object participating in userData persistence from a UserData store.


userData.load( sStoreName )


sStoreName Required. String  that specifies the arbitrary name assigned to a persistent object within a UserData store.

Return Value

No return value.


The load method reads information from a UserData store. You can determine access to a UserData store by specifying a path within the immediate directory tree between the Web root and the current folder. For example, if you save the UserData store in the /private/ folder, a Web page located in the /public/ folder cannot access that UserData store.

This method requires an object participating in userData persistence, where the object has an ID and a class name equal to the persistence behavior.


This example uses the load method to read information about an object participating in userData persistence saved in a UserData store.


.userData {behavior:url(#default#userdata);}
function fnLoad()
{ oPersistInput. load ("oDataStore");
oPersistInput.value=oPersistInput.getAttribute("sPersistAttr"); }
function fnSave()
{ oPersistInput.setAttribute("sPersistAttr",oPersistInput.value); oPersistInput.save("oDataStore"); }
<INPUT type=text class=userData id=oPersistInput>
<INPUT type=button value="Load Attribute" onclick="fnLoad()">
<INPUT type=button value="Save Attribute" onclick="fnSave()">

Standards Information

There is no public standard that applies to this method.

Applies To

[ Object Name ] Platform Version
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