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layout-grid-type Attribute | layoutGridType Property

Sets or retrieves the type of grid used for rendering the text content of an element.


HTML Scripting
{ layout-grid-type : sType }
object . style.layoutGridType [ = sType ]


Web documents in Asian languages, such as Chinese or Japanese, usually create a page layout for characters using a one- or two-dimensional grid. You can use the layout-grid attribute to incorporate this layout into Web documents.

The layout-grid-type attribute applies only to block-level elements.


This example uses the layout-grid-type attribute to specify character layout for a block of text.

<STYLE> DIV.layout { layout-grid-type : strict } </STYLE>
<DIV CLASS = "layout"> This is a block element containing a sentence of sample text. </DIV>

Standards Information

This property is part of a proposed addition to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) .

Applies To

LI Platform Version
Win16: 5
Win32: 5
Unix: 5
Mac: 5
Windows CE: 5.5
BLOCKQUOTE , BODY , CENTER , currentStyle , DD , DIR , DIV , DL , DT , FIELDSET , FORM , hn , HR , LI , LISTING , MARQUEE , MENU , OL , P , PLAINTEXT , PRE , runtimeStyle , style , TABLE , TD , TH , TR , UL , XMP
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