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deviceYDPI Property

Retrieves the actual number of vertical dots per inch (DPI) of the system's screen.


[ nActDPI = ] screen . deviceYDPI

Possible Values

nActDPI Integer that receives the DPI.

The property is read-only. The property has no default value.


On most systems, there is no difference between horizontal and vertical DPI.

For information about how Internet Explorer 6 and later can adjust the scale of the display on screens with higher-than-normal DPI, see Adjusting Scale for Higher DPI Screens .


The following examples use the deviceYDPI property to retrieve the vertical DPI of the screen.

This example uses the deviceYDPI and logicalYDPI properties to calculate the vertical scale factor that Internet Explorer is applying. The function in this example returns 1 if Internet Explorer is not adjusting the scale of the screen.

function fnScaleFactorY()
{ var nScaleFactor = screen. deviceYDPI / screen.logicalYDPI; return nScaleFactor; }

This example uses the zoom property of the BODY element to adjust the scale of the document "manually" if Internet Explorer is not adjusting the scale of the screen and the user's vertical DPI is higher than normal. This is a simple but imprecise way to make a document look the same on higher resolution screens. You can achieve finer control over the layout of your documents by modifying the properties of individual elements or groups of elements.


// change layout on HighDPI screens when IE not scaling
function fnScaleManually() {
// normal DPI
var constNorm = 96;
// scaling is off and DPI higher than normal
if ((screen. deviceYDPI == screen.logicalYDPI) && (screen. deviceYDPI > constNorm))
{ document.body.style.zoom = constNorm / screen.logicalYDPI; } }

Applies To

[ Object Name ] Platform Version
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