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addReadRequest Method

Adds an entry to the queue for read requests.


bSuccess = userProfile .addReadRequest( sAttributeName [ , vReserved ] )


sAttributeName Required. String  that specifies one of the standard vCard names. If anything else is used, the request is ignored and nothing is added to the read-requests queue.
vReserved Optional. Microsoft® Internet Explorer currently ignores this parameter.

Return Value

Boolean . Returns one of the following possible values:

true The request has been successfully added to the queue.
false The attribute name was not recognized or the attribute already appeared in the request queue.


This method appends a vCard name to the read-requests queue. The read-requests queue is a list of read requests waiting to be initiated. To initiate the accumulated, or compound, read requests in the queue, call doReadRequest . To clear the queue, call clearRequest .

Standards Information

There is no public standard that applies to this method.

Applies To

[ Object Name ] Platform Version
Windows CE:
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