As with text boxes, you can align text in labels. To do that, you just set the label's TextAlign property at design time or run time. This property takes values from the ContentAlignment enumeration:
BottomCenter— Vertically aligned at the bottom, and horizontally aligned at the center.
BottomLeft— Vertically aligned at the bottom, and horizontally aligned on the left.
BottomRight— Vertically aligned at the bottom, and horizontally aligned on the right.
MiddleCenter— Vertically aligned in the middle, and horizontally aligned at the center.
MiddleLeft— Vertically aligned in the middle, and horizontally aligned on the left.
MiddleRight— Vertically aligned in the middle, and horizontally aligned on the right.
TopCenter— Vertically aligned at the top, and horizontally aligned at the center.
TopLeft— Vertically aligned at the top, and horizontally aligned on the left.
TopRight— Vertically aligned at the top, and horizontally aligned on the right.
For example, if you're writing a calculator program and have a column of rightjustified text boxes above a label that displays a running sum, you can also right justify the label to match the controls above it.