As discussed in the In Depth section of this chapter, tool tips are those windows that display explanatory text when the mouse hovers over a control or form, as you see in Figure 8.6. Here is the class hierarchy of the ToolTip class:
Object MarshalByRefObject Component ToolTip
You can find the more notable public properties of the ToolTip class in Table 8.19 and the more notable methods in Table 8.20.
Event |
Means |
Active |
Gets/sets if the tool tip control is active. |
AutomaticDelay |
Gets/sets the time (in milliseconds) before the tool tip appears. |
InitialDelay |
Gets/sets the starting delay for the tool tip. |
ShowAlways |
Gets/sets whether the tool tip should appear when its parent control is not active. |
Event |
Means |
GetToolTip |
Returns the tool tip text. |
SetToolTip |
Connects tool tip text with the tool tip. |