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Using the TableRow Class

You use the TableRow class to create the table rows you use in Table objects. Here's the inheritance hierarchy for the TableRow class:


You can use the TableRow class to control how the contents of a table row are displayed. The alignment of the contents in the row is specified by setting the HorizontalAlign and VerticalAlign properties. You can manage the cells in the row in code by using the Cells collection. The Cells collection is a collection of TableCell objects that represent the cells in the row.

You can find the notable public properties of TableRow objects in Table 16.17. (This class has no non-inherited methods or events.) Note that as with other Web server controls, I am not listing the notable properties, methods, and events this class inherits from the Control and WebControl classes; you can find them in Tables 15.1 to 15.5 in Chapter 15.

Table 16.17: Noteworthy public properties of TableRow objects.




Gets a collection of the table cells for this table row, each of which is a TableCell object.


Gets/sets the horizontal alignment of the row contents.


Gets/sets the vertical alignment of the row contents.

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