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htmlspecialchars($_GET[‘parameter’]) .
‘ has no results.’;
Load<a href=http://
too.much.spam>spam spam spam</a>
. Your innocent, but vulnerable script, nicely takes the
parameter and transforms it into an HTML link. You end up linking to
as shown in Figure 8-3.
Now provide the same parameter to your other script,
. The link would
be<a href= http://
too.much.spam>spam spam spam</a>
, and the result is shown in Figure 8-4.
Figure 8-3
Figure 8-4
The escaping makes a difference, doesn’t it! Of course, you don’t want anyone to post anything like that
on your web site regardless of whether you escape your input data. However, you’re much better off
when escaping your data for three main reasons:
Carefully escaped data is much less likely to cause damage when further processed by your scripts
in general. Doing so has security implications as well — preventing cross-site scripting attacks.
Chapter 8: Black Hat SEO
c08.qxd:c08 10:59 179

JavaScript Editor Ajax software     Free javascripts