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Resources and Tools
There are many tools, web sites, and practices that serious search engine marketers must be aware of.
As a web developer concerned with SEO, you should also be knowledgeable of at least the most impor-
tant of them. The rest of this chapter highlights a few such resources that can be helpful in your search
engine marketing quest.
Web Analytics
Web analytics measure traffic and track user behavior on a particular web site. Typically web analytics
are used for the purpose of optimizing business performance based on various metrics such as conver-
sion rate and return on investment. They are particularly relevant for tracking return on investment
for PPC advertising, where there is a particular cost for each click. However, they are also used to track
which keywords from organic traffic are leading to conversions. This informs the search engine mar-
keter which key phrases he or she should target when performing search engine optimization — both
to improve and to maintain current positioning.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a free and robust web service that performs web analytics. It is located at
. The service is complex enough to merit its own book; feel free to check
Google Analytics
(Mary E. Tyler and Jerri L. Ledford, Wiley, 2006). Figure 2-2 shows one of the many
reports Google Analytics can deliver.
Figure 2-2
Chapter 2: A Primer in Basic SEO
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