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We cover a quick introduction to SEO in Chapter 2, which should nail down the foundations of that
subject. However, PHP and MySQL are vast subjects; and this book cannot afford to also be a PHP and
MySQL tutorial. The code samples are explained step by step, but if you have never written a line of
PHP or SQL before, and want to follow the examples in depth, you should also consider reading a PHP
and MySQL tutorial book, such as the following:
PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide, 2nd edition
(Larry Ulman,
Peachpit Press, 2005)
Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PHP & MySQL, 3rd Edition
(Kevin Yank,
Sitepoint, 2005)
Teach Yourself PHP in 10 Minutes
(Chris Newman, Sams, 2005)
SEO and the Site Architecture
A web site’s architecture is what grounds all future search engine marketing efforts. The content rests on
top of it, as shown in Figure 1-2. An optimal web site architecture facilitates a search engine in traversing
and understanding the site. Therefore, creating a web site with a search engine optimized architecture is
a major contributing factor in achieving and maintaining high search engine rankings.
Architecture should also be considered throughout a web site’s lifetime by the web site developer, along-
side other factors such as aesthetics and usability. If a new feature does not permit a search engine to
access the content, hinders it, or confuses it, the effects of good content may be reduced substantially.
For example, a web site that uses Flash or AJAX technologies inappropriately may obscure the majority
of its content from a search engine.
Figure 1-2
We do not cover copywriting concepts in detail, or provide much coaching as to how to create persuasive
page titles. These are also very important topics, which are masterfully covered by Bryan and Jeffrey
Eisenberg in
Persuasive Online Copywriting: How to Take Your Words to the Bank
(Wizard Academy Press,
2002), and by John Caples and Fred E. Hahn in
Tested Advertising Methods, 5th edition
(Prentice Hall, 1998).
Shari Thurow also has an excellent section on creating effective titles in her book,
Search Engine Visibility
(New Riders Press, 2002). Writing copy and titles that rank well are obviously not successful if they do
not convert or result in click-throughs, respectively. We do give some pointers, though, to get you started.
We also do not discuss concepts related to search engine optimization such as usability and user psy-
chology in depth, though they are strong themes throughout the book.
Site Architecture
Search Engines
Chapter 1: You: Programmer and Search Engine Marketer
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