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What Makes Content Linkworthy?
Everyone is talking about getting inbound links. Some SEOs are even focusing on strategies specifi-
cally geared toward building linkable pages, called
. For the best chance of gaining inbound
links,content should be
noncommercial (or subtle in its sales pitch)
accessible without a password
free of charge to view
And at the risk of stating the obvious, to be linkable, each page must
be linkable
—meaning it
must have its own URL!
Perhaps you do have some of these elements on your site but they’re intertwined
with your less linkable, commercial content. If so, your site may benefit from a simple
reorganization of materials. You can cluster this content, or links to it, within a new
section of your site, aptly named “Resources,” “Fun,” or something similar. And
remember, your goal is conversions, not just inbound links, so be sure to provide a
clear path from this new section to your landing pages.
Sometimes, even a simple title rewrite can dramatically change the linkability of a
page. For example, one type of content that often draws inbound links is a product
comparison. Perhaps your site has a page that compares features of your product with
your competition’s. The only thing stopping it from being linkworthy is the title “Why
Choose Us?” which strikes a commercial chord. Give this page a new, industry-specific
but neutral title like “Compare Medical Imaging Products” and suddenly the exact
same chart becomes potential linkbait.
By the way, consider this:
Pearl of Wisdom:
free is just plain not linkable.
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