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and oranges, begin a new conversion tracking document for any new values you are
now gathering.
In the Monthly Report, describe any changes you have made to your informa-
tion gathering methods:
• This month, we implemented conversion tracking on the PPC campaign.
• We will be tracking unique visitors to our home page and how many unique visi-
tors reach the last page of the Save Our Schools article.
• We have created a Sales Diary document to record how many customers report
that they used search engines to find us.
• A custom phone number was set up for use only on the website.
If you’re still in the planning stages of your new conversion tracking system,
document it! You may be surprised about the positive effect that writing down your
plans has on your ability to carry them out.
With your new methods clearly explained, summarize the data you have
recorded. If any of your tracking methods are continued from previous months, discuss
any observed changes and trends.
Image Improvement
As you were performing your rank assessment task on Monday, did you happen to
observe any improvements to the image that your organization projects through the
search engines? (Or, did you notice any new “uglies” or red flags?)
If branding is one of your goals for this SEO campaign, then these improvements
deserve a rightful place at the table alongside other conversion goals. Make a note of
them, and as we discussed in the sidebar “Tracking the Intangibles,” put some thought
Write your conversion data and commentary in your Monthly Report.
Explain your new tracking methods in your Monthly Report.
Open your conversion tracking document (or start a new one, if applicable) and record this
month’s data.
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JavaScript Editor Best javascript editor debugger     Freeware editor