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representative, how are you ever going to measure the contribution that your SEO
work made to the campaign?
To track your offline conversions, you’ll need to be creative. Here are a few
ideas for some of the more common scenarios:
Set up a special phone number.
If a large percentage of your sales take place over the
phone, it may be difficult to show that the website, much less your SEO campaign, had
anything to do with them. But there is one way: Set up a unique phone number and
display it on your website—and nowhere else. Then, have your sales team monitor and
track how many calls come in to that line and how many of those calls turn into
For a greater level of detail, you can sign up with services (such as ClickPath or Who’s
Calling) that will generate unique 800 numbers and dynamically display them on your
web pages, linking each call to a keyword and ad source.
Run campaigns on things nobody else is promoting.
You can get an inkling of the
effects of your SEO work by promoting a specific event or product that nobody else in
your organization has taken the time to promote. For example, if you put your SEO
efforts into promoting Tuesday Night Half-Price Pickles and there is no other market-
ing for it, you can relish the thought that most of the people who show up found out
about the event as a result of your SEO work.
Include coupons or promotion codes on your website.
How will you know if walk-in
customers used your website to research your products or services? One way is to cre-
ate coupons or promotion codes on your website that these customers can print out
and bring into your store for a discount. Sure, it won’t tell you whether they used a
search engine to find your site, but at least you’ll have something to link your real-
world traffic to your online traffic.
Cultivate communication.
If your site goals fall into the persuasion category, give
your users an opportunity to tell their stories with “Post your success story here” or
“Share your smoking cessation tips” links. An increase in the number of postings can
indicate your SEO success.
Simply ask.
When all else fails, simply ask your offline customers or clients how they
found you. It’s not the most accurate information, but it’s better than nothing. Be sure
that your traditional marketing, sales, and PR team put out the question in print, on
the phone, or in person whenever they have the opportunity.
Brainstorm with your team on options for tracking your offline conversions and finalize a plan.
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