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Landing Page URL
For each keyword, note which landing page you want to send the
visitor to.
Displaying the same ad for a group of related keywords helps reduce cam-
paign management time. Since you’ve got an to work on campaign creation
and maintenance, it would be reasonable to have from three to five categories of key-
words. (Category names are not displayed to searchers. They are for administrative use
only.) Even though more categories require more management and more ads, it’s prob-
ably better to err on the side of too many categories than too few. Here are possible
ways to group your keywords:
By landing page:
For example, an animal feed distributor may want to cre-
ate categories for its Pet Care Tips page for terms like “overweight dogs”
and its Horse Care Tips page for terms like “preventing colic in horses.”
By target audience:
For example, a category called Pet Products for terms
like “dog food” and “cat food” and another category called Livestock Prod-
ucts for terms like “bovine feed supplement” and “equine grain mix.”
By concept:
You can categorize based on the needs your product or service
fills or the concerns behind the searches. For example, a category called Low
Cost for terms like “cheap dog food” or a category called Pampering for
terms like “dog treats” or “dog rewards.”
Bid for Position
In the Bid for Position column, use the PPC engine to research the
amount of money you would have to pay to get into the top spot for each of your
The PPC Keywords Worksheet doesn’t make a provision for bidding lower than first
place. This is for the sake of simplicity and not necessarily because we think you have
to keep your ads in the top positions. You can always add a lower cost to the Bid col-
umn, but if you do, assume that the PPC engine’s estimated click-through rate—and by
extension, the estimated cost—is shooting high.
Estimated Click-Throughs
In the Estimated Click-Throughs column, use the PPC
engine to find the estimated click-throughs your ad will receive for each keyword in a
given period of time (month or day).
Conversion Value
In the Conversion Value column, enter your estimate of the value of
the conversion in dollars. If a monetary estimate doesn’t make sense for this conver-
sion, give it a low/medium/high value based on how important a conversion for this
term would be for your business. For example, a tree-trimming service might rank
“large estate grounds maintenance” as high while ranking “cheap arborist” as low
because a larger tree-trimming job means more green for them!
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