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A typical PR department is primarily concerned with getting your company
mentioned in the media and making sure that the publicity is accurate and—ideally—
positive. Many newspaper and magazine articles, not to mention blog postings, are
triggered by press releases or other forms of contact from a PR department. And it’s
fair to say that search engines deserve a place among these media sources: just like
magazines, newspapers and the like, search engines provide a free, ostensibly unbiased
third-party source of publicity for your organization.
Even more important from a PR point of view, search engines have become a
key research tool for those very journalists, bloggers, and thought leaders PR is chat-
ting up in the first place.
You might meet some resistance from a PR department that thinks of SEO as
strictly a form of advertising. In truth, SEO often does walk a fine line. A PPC cam-
paign is most clearly within the advertising classification, but other SEO tasks, such
as including target keywords in press releases or gaining incoming links from business
contacts, fall more directly into the PR bucket. Once you explain to your PR folks
that you will be seeking their assistance only with organic SEO activity, they should
be more open to the possibilities.
As the department that protects the company brand, PR will likely have a great
deal of interest in the brand maintenance tasks that fall under the SEO umbrella: moni-
toring search engine listings and other online mentions for currency and accuracy. You
may need to educate the PR team about how to find outdated information online, but
once they know where (and how) to look, don’t be surprised if they develop a passion
for rooting out the “uglies.”
What if your website is not trying to sell anything or gather leads, or run adver-
tising for revenue? What if the only goal of your website is brand awareness? This is
when you need your PR department most of all. The folks in PR are already skilled in
handling those difficult-to-measure soft targets offline through clipping services and
surveys. They may even be doing some tracking of online mentions. Now you need
to tie their tracking efforts together with the SEO campaign to make sure that SEO
gets credit where credit is due. We’ll talk more about online brand-awareness tracking
options in Part III, “Your SEO Plan.” Luckily, PR people are generally very comfortable
with documentation. You shouldn’t have too hard a time convincing them to document
their SEO successes.
Pearl of Wisdom:
Your PR department can think of search engines as a particularly big
media outlet.
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