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Chapter 9
What NOT to do...
Now, let's take a look at what NOT to do... We're going to be looking at:
This is your typical, "pretty" looking website that probably gets no traffic and is nowhere to be
found in the search engines, for any keyword.
Can you see some of the things they're doing wrong?
Their page title is marketopsinc.com. This serves no purpose. No one would ever
search for that keyword.
They aren't using any <h1> tags, alt tags, bolding, italicizing, or underlining
Most of the main text on the page is actual just a large header graphic image.
And MANY other things... but you get the point.
Concerning their internal linking strategy, you can see that their navigational links aren't text!
They're just graphics... This serves no purpose, but to look pretty. They're wasting "votes" that
they could be casting for their internal web pages.
I think it would be safe to say that this website isn't ranked for any of the keywords in their
navigational images at the top of their website
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