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Search Engine
Chapter 4
If we click on the column heading titled "Anchor Text", it will sort the column in descending
order. You can see that the 2 words that are found the most often in's backlink
anchor text are the words "diet" and "information".
98.5% of the overall backlinks pointing to contain the word "diet" and 85.6% of
the backlinks contain the word "information". Also listed is the total number of links containing
each of these words.
This is just another way of showing you why is outranking their competitors.
You will want to try and copy these percentages when you optimize your own website and get
others websites to link to you.
Again, you can do all of this manually within an Excel spreadsheet if you wish to do so... It's
just a matter of doing a little math.
If your percentages are too high, Google may think you are "spamming" and
may not give you as high of a rank as you deserve.
If your percentages are too low, Google won't think your website is important
enough to rank highly.
Lastly, we'll click the column heading titled "Title" to sort it in descending order. You can see
that the word "diet" is still the top word, at 38% and "information" is still towards the top at

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