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Mobile browser market enabled by aiCache

aiCache enables the mobile browser market by allowing sites to serve device specific content based on User Agent recognition

Now, with User Agent inclusion from aiCache, visitors of popular websites using mobile platforms such as the Iphone and Blackberry, receive crisp clear pages.

Sites no longer have to compromise on content. They can take full advantage of advanced features in desktop browsers while continuing to serve the mobile user.

aiCache technology identifies the requesting device and dynamically chooses the correct content to serve. Coupled with its industry leading web application acceleration, users get the best of both worlds. They receive the fastest content in the precise format for for their choice of browsing platform.

"With the emerging importance of mobile internet devices, this is must have technology for our major Internet clients" says Steve Goodwin CTO of Orwin technologies.

There is simply no "one size fits all" formula for the internet. Giving web site administrators the ability to provide the best content possible for all users is a win for everyone. aiCache provides the critical missing piece while making it simple for administrators to implement and manage.

aiCache is the leading provider of web application acceleration. aiCache solutions reduce cost, provide stability and monitoring and allow web applications to scale without architecture changes. aiCache provides software solution running on Linux systems for deployment in data-centers and hosted virtual environments. aiCache is a subsidiary of Aitrack LTD a business incorporated under the laws of the United Kingdom and Wales. More information is available at http://aicache.com

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