Javascript debugger
Website design
The script syntax is based on the C language, but with a lot taken out- the SWF bytecode machine is just too simpleminded to do a lot of things we might like. For instance, we can't implement function calls without a tremendous amount of hackery because the jump bytecode has a hardcoded offset value. No pushing your calling address to the stack and returning- every function would have to know exactly where to return to.
So what's left? The compiler recognises the following tokens:
There is no typed data; all values in the SWF action machine are stored as strings. The following functions can be used in expressions:
Additionally, the following commands may be used:
) or 1 (TRUE
). Optional parameters
define a bounding area for the dragging.
And there's one weird extra thing. The expression frameLoaded(num) can be used in if statements and while loops to check if the given frame number has been loaded yet. Well, it's supposed to, anyway, but I've never tested it and I seriously doubt it actually works. You can just use /:framesLoaded instead.
Movie clips (all together now- aka sprites) have properties. You can read all of them (or can you?), you can set some of them, and here they are:
So, setting a sprite's x position is as simple as /box.x = 100;
Why the slash in front of the box, though? That's how flash keeps
track of the sprites in the movie, just like a Unix filesystem-
here it shows that box is at the top level. If the sprite named
box had another sprite named biff inside of it, you'd set its x
position with /box/biff.x = 100;. At least, I think so; correct
me if I'm wrong here.
This simple example will move the red square across the window.
$s = new SWFShape();
$f = $s->addFill(0xff, 0, 0);
$s->movePenTo(-500, -500);
$s->drawLineTo(500, -500);
$s->drawLineTo(500, 500);
$s->drawLineTo(-500, 500);
$s->drawLineTo(-500, -500);
$p = new SWFSprite();
$i = $p->add($s);
for ($n=0; $n<5; ++$n) {
$m = new SWFMovie();
$m->setBackground(0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
$m->setDimension(6000, 4000);
$i = $m->add($p);
$m->add(new SWFAction("/box.x += 3;"));
$m->add(new SWFAction("gotoFrame(0); play();"));
header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash');
This simple example tracks down your mouse on the screen.
$m = new SWFMovie();
$m->setDimension(1200, 800);
$m->setBackground(0, 0, 0);
/* mouse tracking sprite - empty, but follows mouse so we can
get its x and y coordinates */
$i = $m->add(new SWFSprite());
$m->add(new SWFAction("
startDrag('/mouse', 1); /* '1' means lock sprite to the mouse */
/* might as well turn off antialiasing, since these are just squares. */
$m->add(new SWFAction("
this.quality = 0;
/* morphing box */
$r = new SWFMorph();
$s = $r->getShape1();
/* Note this is backwards from normal shapes. No idea why. */
$s->setLeftFill($s->addFill(0xff, 0xff, 0xff));
$s->movePenTo(-40, -40);
$s->drawLine(80, 0);
$s->drawLine(0, 80);
$s->drawLine(-80, 0);
$s->drawLine(0, -80);
$s = $r->getShape2();
$s->setLeftFill($s->addFill(0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
$s->movePenTo(-1, -1);
$s->drawLine(2, 0);
$s->drawLine(0, 2);
$s->drawLine(-2, 0);
$s->drawLine(0, -2);
/* sprite container for morphing box -
this is just a timeline w/ the box morphing */
$box = new SWFSprite();
$box->add(new SWFAction("
$i = $box->add($r);
for ($n=0; $n<=20; ++$n) {
/* this container sprite allows us to use the same action code many times */
$cell = new SWFSprite();
$i = $cell->add($box);
$cell->add(new SWFAction("
/* ...x means the x coordinate of the parent, i.e. (..).x */
dx = (/mouse.x + random(6)-3 - ...x)/5;
dy = (/mouse.y + random(6)-3 - ...y)/5;
gotoFrame(int(dx*dx + dy*dy));
$cell->add(new SWFAction("
/* finally, add a bunch of the cells to the movie */
for ($x=0; $x<12; ++$x) {
for ($y=0; $y<8; ++$y) {
$i = $m->add($cell);
$i->moveTo(100*$x+50, 100*$y+50);
$m->add(new SWFAction("
header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash');
Same as above, but with nice colored balls...
$m = new SWFMovie();
$m->setDimension(11000, 8000);
$m->setBackground(0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
$m->add(new SWFAction("
this.quality = 0;
/frames.visible = 0;
startDrag('/mouse', 1);
// mouse tracking sprite
$t = new SWFSprite();
$i = $m->add($t);
$g = new SWFGradient();
$g->addEntry(0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
$g->addEntry(0.1, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
$g->addEntry(0.5, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x5f);
$g->addEntry(1.0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0);
// gradient shape thing
$s = new SWFShape();
$f = $s->addFill($g, SWFFILL_RADIAL_GRADIENT);
$s->movePenTo(-600, -600);
$s->drawLine(1200, 0);
$s->drawLine(0, 1200);
$s->drawLine(-1200, 0);
$s->drawLine(0, -1200);
// need to make this a sprite so we can multColor it
$p = new SWFSprite();
// put the shape in here, each frame a different color
$q = new SWFSprite();
$q->add(new SWFAction("gotoFrame(random(7)+1); stop();"));
$i = $q->add($p);
$i->multColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
$i->multColor(1.0, 0.5, 0.5);
$i->multColor(1.0, 0.75, 0.5);
$i->multColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.5);
$i->multColor(0.5, 1.0, 0.5);
$i->multColor(0.5, 0.5, 1.0);
$i->multColor(1.0, 0.5, 1.0);
// finally, this one contains the action code
$p = new SWFSprite();
$i = $p->add($q);
$p->add(new SWFAction("
dx = (/:mousex-/:lastx)/3 + random(10)-5;
dy = (/:mousey-/:lasty)/3;
x = /:mousex;
y = /:mousey;
alpha = 100;
$p->add(new SWFAction("
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.alpha = alpha;
x += dx;
y += dy;
dy += 3;
alpha -= 8;
$p->add(new SWFAction("prevFrame(); play();"));
$i = $m->add($p);
$m->add(new SWFAction("
lastx = mousex;
lasty = mousey;
mousex = /mouse.x;
mousey = /mouse.y;
if (num == 11)
num = 1;
removeClip('char' & num);
duplicateClip(/frames, 'char' & num, num);
$m->add(new SWFAction("prevFrame(); play();"));
header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash');