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Read a message from a queue without removing it from the queue. ()

SAMConnection {
  SAMMessage peek(string target,
                  array properties);




The identity of the queue from which to peek the message.


An optional associative array of properties describing other parameters to control the peek operation.

Property namePossible values
SAM_CORRELID This is the target correlation id string of the message. This would typically have been returned by a "send" request.
SAM_MESSAGEID This is the message id string of the message which is to be peeked.

Return Values

This method returns a SAMMessage object or FALSE if an error occurs.


Example 2118. Retrieve the next message from a queue without removing it

= $conn->peek('queue://receive/test');

if (!
$msg) {
// The peek failed!
echo "Peek failed ($conn->errno) $conn->error";

Example 2119. Retrieve a specific message from a queue without removing it from the queue


= $conn->peek('queue://receive/test', array(SAM_MESSAGEID => $messageId));
