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Return the PHP loader or bootstrap stub of a Phar archive ()
string Phar->getStub ( )

One of the features that differentiates a Phar archive from other familiar archive formats like tar or zip is that a Phar archive is explicitly designed to be included to allow distributing an application or library that can be run without extraction directly from the archive. In order to accomplish this, Phar archives contain a bootstrap loader, or stub written in PHP that can perform any action.


All stubs must end with __HALT_COMPILER(); or the file is not a valid Phar archive.

Return Values

Returns a string containing the contents of the bootstrap loader (stub) of the current Phar archive.


Throws RuntimeException if it is not possible to read the stub from the Phar archive.


Example 1804. A Phar->getStub() example

$p = new Phar('/path/to/my.phar', 0, 'my.phar');
echo $p->getStub();
echo "==NEXT==\n";
function __autoload($class)
'phar://' . str_replace('_', '/', $class);
echo $p->getStub();

The above example will output:

<?php __HALT_COMPILER();
function __autoload($class)
   include 'phar://' . str_replace('_', '/', $class);
include 'phar://myphar.phar/startup.php';