Recipe 12.20 Documenting Your Module with Pod
12.20.1 Problem
need to document your module, but don't know what format to use.
12.20.2 Solution
Embed your documentation in the your module file using pod format.
12.20.3 Discussion
Pod stands for plain old documentation. It's
documentation embedded in your program using a very simple markup
format. Programmers are notorious for writing the code first and the
documentation never, so pod was designed to make writing
documentation so easy that anyone can and will do so. Sometimes this
even works.
When Perl is parsing your source code, a line starting with an equals
sign (where a new statement is expected) says to ignore all text
until it finds a line beginning with =cut, after
which it will start parsing code again. This lets you mix code and
documentation throughout your Perl program or module file. Since it's
mostly plain text, type in your documentation as literal text, or
nearly so. The translators try to be clever and make output-specific
decisions so the programmer doesn't have to specifically format
variable names, function calls, etc.
Perl ships with several translators
that filter generic pod format into specific output styles. These
include pod2man to change your pods into
troff for use with the man
program or for phototypesetting and printing;
pod2html for creating web pages (which works
even on non-Unix systems); and pod2text for
plain ASCII. Other translators, such as pod2ipf,
pod2fm, pod2texi,
pod2latex, and pod2ps, may
also be available or can be found on CPAN.
Many books are written using proprietary word processors with limited
scripting capabilities. Not this one! It was written in pod format
using common text editors (vi for Tom,
emacs for Nat). The final book was produced by
converting the pod source files to FrameMaker.
Although formally documented in
perlpod(1), pod is probably easiest to learn by
reading existing module files. If you started making your module
using h2xs, then you already have the sample
pods right there. The Makefile knows to convert
these into man format and install those manpages
so others can read them. Alternatively, the
perldoc program can translate pods on the fly
using pod2text.
Indented paragraphs will be left
verbatim. Other paragraphs will be reformatted to fit the page. Only
two kinds of markups are used in pod: paragraphs beginning with an
equals sign and one or more words, and interior sequences starting
with a single letter followed by text enclosed in angle brackets.
Paragraph tags are for headers, list enumeration, and per-translator
escapes. Angle bracket sequences are mainly used for font changes,
such as selecting bold, italic, or constant-width fonts. Here's an
example of an =head2 pod directive and various
bracket escapes for font changes:
=head2 Discussion
If we had a I<.h> file with function prototype declarations, we
could include that, but since we're writing this one from scratch,
we'll use the B<-c> flag to omit building code to translate any
#define symbols. The B<-n> flag says to create a module directory
named I<FineTime/>, which will have the following files.
The =for escape
introduces specific code that is only for a
particular output filter. This book, for example, written mostly in
pod, includes calls to the standard troff tools
eqn, tbl, and
pic. Here's an example of embedded
eqn. Only translators that produce
troff will heed this paragraph.
=for troff
log sub n (x) = { {log sub e (x)} over {log sub e (n)} }
Pod can also create multiline comments. In C, the sequence
/* .... */
can comment out many lines of text all at once—there's no need
to put a marker on each line. Since Perl ignores pod directives, use
these for block commenting. The trick is to find a directive that the
pod filters ignore. You could specify that a block is "for later" or
"for nobody":
=for later
next if 1 .. ?^$?;
=cut back to perl
or you could use a
=begin and =end pair:
=begin comment
if (!open(FILE, "<", $file)) {
unless ($opt_q) {
warn "$me: $file: $!\n";
next FILE;
$total = 0;
$matches = 0;
=end comment
12.20.4 See Also
The section on "PODs: Embedded Documentation" in
perlsyn(1), as well as
perlpod(1), pod2man(1),
pod2html(1), and
pod2text(1); Chapter 26 of Programming