17.7. Further Information
Most signal processing and image processing books contain a discussion of the concepts of sampling, reconstruction, and aliasing. Books by Glassner, Wolberg, and Gonzalez and Woods can be consulted for additional information on these topics. Technical memos by Alvy Ray Smith address the issues of aliasing in computer graphics directly.
The book Advanced RenderMan: Creating CGI for Motion Pictures by Tony Apodaca and Larry Gritz (1999) contains a chapter that describes shader antialiasing in terms of the RenderMan shading language, and much of the discussion is germane to the OpenGL Shading Language as well. Darwyn Peachey has a similar discussion in Texturing & Modeling: A Procedural Approach, Third Edition by David Ebert et al. (2002).
Bert Freudenberg developed an OpenGL shader to do adaptive antialiasing and presented this work at the SIGGRAPH 2002 in San Antonio, Texas. In this chapter, I've recreated the images Bert used in his talk, but he deserves the credit for originally developing the images and the shaders to illustrate some of the topics I've covered. This subject is also covered in his Ph.D. thesis, Real-Time Stroke-based Halftoning.
Baldwin, Dave, OpenGL 2.0 Shading Language White Paper, Version 1.0, 3Dlabs, October, 2001. Cook, Robert L., Stochastic Sampling in Computer Graphics, ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 5172, January 1986. Crow, Franklin C., The Aliasing Problem in Computer-Generated Shaded Images, Communications of the ACM, 20(11), pp. 799805, November 1977. Crow, Franklin C., Summed-Area Tables for Texture Mapping, Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '84 Proceedings), pp. 207212, July 1984. Dippé, Mark A. Z., and Erling Henry Wold, Antialiasing Through Stochastic Sampling, Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '85 Proceedings), pp. 6978, July 1985. Ebert, David S., John Hart, Bill Mark, F. Kenton Musgrave, Darwyn Peachey, Ken Perlin, and Steven Worley, Texturing and Modeling: A Procedural Approach, Third Edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, 2002. http://www.texturingandmodeling.com Freudenberg, Bert, Real-Time Stroke-based Halftoning, Ph.D. thesis, University of Magdeburg, submitted in 2003. Glassner, Andrew S., Principles of Digital Image Synthesis, Vol. 1, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, 1995. Glassner, Andrew S., Principles of Digital Image Synthesis, Vol. 2, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, 1995. Gonzalez, Rafael C., and Richard E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2002. Smith, Alvy Ray, A Pixel Is Not a Little Square, a Pixel Is Not a Little Square, a Pixel Is Not a Little Square! (And a Voxel Is Not a Little Cube), Technical Memo 6, Microsoft Research, July 1995. http://www.alvyray.com/memos/default.htm Wolberg, George, Digital Image Warping, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2002.