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7.12. Implementation-Dependent API Values

Some of the features we've described in previous sections have implementation-dependent limits. All of the implementation-dependent values in the OpenGL Shading Language API are defined in the list that follows, and all of them can be queried with glGet.

GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITSDefines the total number of hardware units that can be used to access texture maps from the vertex processor and the fragment processor combined. The minimum legal value is 2.

GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERSDefines the maximum number of buffers that can be simultaneously written into from within a fragment shader using the special output variable gl_FragData. This constant effectively defines the size of the gl_FragData array. The minimum legal value is 1.

GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTSDefines the number of components (i.e., floating-point values) that are available for fragment shader uniform variables. The minimum legal value is 64.

GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDSDefines the number of texture coordinate sets that are available. The minimum legal value is 2.

GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITSDefines the total number of hardware units that can be used to access texture maps from the fragment processor. The minimum legal value is 2.

GL_MAX_VARYING_FLOATSDefines the number of floating-point variables available for varying variables. The minimum legal value is 32.

GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBSDefines the number of active vertex attributes that are available. The minimum legal value is 16.

GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITSDefines the number of hardware units that can be used to access texture maps from the vertex processor. The minimum legal value is 0.

GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTSDefines the number of components (i.e., floating-point values) that are available for vertex shader uniform variables. The minimum legal value is 512.

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