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JScript includes a number of operators that fall into the arithmetic, logical, bitwise, assignment, and miscellaneous categories. The following sections link to information that explains how to use the operators.

In This Section

Addition Assignment Operator (+=)

Adds two numbers or concatenates two strings, and assigns the result to the first argument.

Addition Operator (+)

Adds two numbers or concatenates two strings.

Assignment Operator (=)

Assigns a value to a variable.

Bitwise AND Assignment Operator (&=)

Performs a bitwise AND on two expressions, and assigns the result to the first argument.

Bitwise AND Operator (&)

Performs a bitwise AND on two expressions.

Bitwise Left Shift Operator (<<)

Shifts the bits of an expression to the left.

Bitwise NOT Operator (~)

Performs a bitwise NOT (negation) on an expression.

Bitwise OR Assignment Operator (|=)

Performs a bitwise OR on two expressions, and assigns the result to the first argument.

Bitwise OR Operator (|)

Performs a bitwise OR on two expressions.

Bitwise Right Shift Operator (>>)

Shifts the bits of an expression to the right, maintaining sign.

Bitwise XOR Assignment Operator (^=)

Performs a bitwise exclusive OR on two expressions, and assigns the result to the first argument.

Bitwise XOR Operator (^)

Performs a bitwise exclusive OR on two expressions.

Comma Operator (,)

Causes two expressions to be executed sequentially.

Comparison Operators

An assortment of operators (==, >, >=, ===, !=, <, <=, !==) that return a Boolean value indicating the result of a comparison

Conditional (Ternary) Operator (?:)

Chooses one of two statements to run depending on a condition.

delete Operator

Deletes a property from an object, or removes an element from an array.

Division Assignment Operator (/=)

Divides two numbers, returns a numeric result, and assigns the result to the first argument.

Division Operator (/)

Divides two numbers and returns a numeric result.

in Operator

Tests for the existence of a property in an object.

Increment (++) and Decrement (--) Operators

Increment operator (++) increments a variable by one; decrement operator (--) decrements a variable by one.

instanceof Operator

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether or not an object is an instance of a particular class.

Left Shift Assignment Operator (<<=)

Shifts the bits of an expression to the left, and assigns the result to the first argument.

Logical AND Operator (&&)

Performs a logical conjunction on two expressions.

Logical NOT Operator (!)

Performs logical negation on an expression.

Logical OR Operator (||)

Performs a logical disjunction on two expressions.

Modulus Assignment Operator (%=)

Divides two numbers and assigns the remainder to the first argument.

Modulus Operator (%)

Divides two numbers and returns the remainder.

Multiplication Assignment Operator (*=)

Multiplies two numbers and assigns the result to the first argument.

Multiplication Operator (*)

Multiplies two numbers.

new Operator

Creates a new object.

Reference Operator (&)

Allows passing references to variables to methods with reference or out parameters.

Right Shift Assignment Operator (>>=)

Shifts the bits of an expression to the right, maintaining sign, and assigns the result to the first argument.

Subtraction Assignment Operator (-=)

Subtracts one number from another and assigns the result to the first argument.

Subtraction Operator (-)

Indicates the negative value of a numeric expression or subtracts one number from another.

typeof Operator

Returns a string that identifies the data type of an expression.

Unsigned Right Shift Assignment Operator (>>>=)

Performs an unsigned right shift of the bits in an expression and assigns the result to the first argument.

Unsigned Right Shift Operator (>>>)

Performs an unsigned right shift of the bits in an expression.

void Operator

Prevents an expression from returning a value.

Related Sections

JScript Reference

Lists elements that comprise JScript Language Reference and links to topics that explain the details behind the proper use of language elements.

JScript Operators

Provides a conceptual overview of operators used in JScript and links to topics that explain the proper syntax for each operator and the significance of operator precedence.

Operator Precedence

Provides a list containing information about the execution precedence of JScript operators.

Operator Summary

Lists JScript operators and links to topics that explain their proper use.

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