Search engines try to help visitors distinguish between results by adding information about the individual pages next to their URLs. Some search engines let you specify the description that should appear next to your page.
To control your page's summary:
In the head section of your page, type <meta name="description" content=".
Type a concise sentence or two that describes your page and hopefully persuades folks to click through.
Type " /> to complete the meta tag.
Figure 24.4. You can offer search engines a concise description of your site.
When a visitor sees a list of links that match their keywords, the description of your page may help it outshine the competition. Be careful to describe your page succinctly and descriptively. Avoid generic marketing hype in favor of specific features that set your site apart from the rest.
If your page is set up with frames, be sure to include a description in every frame page, as well as the frameset itself.
Google does not pay any attention to the description you include with the meta tag. Instead, it shows visitors the specified keywords in the context of the matching pages.
Figure 24.5. Yahoo begins the listing description with what you've put in the description meta tag and then adds the initial content of the page itself.