Embedding QuickTime Movies for AllHere's the problem: Internet Explorer (from version 5.5 up) uses the standard object element in way that is so non-standard, it makes all standards-loving browsers ignore it. Luckily the object element is designed to be nested. If the outer layer doesn't work in a particular browser, the browser is supposed to try the second layer. If the second layer doesn't work, the browser should try the third layer, and so on. Figure 18.12. The object element is designed to be nested. If a browser doesn't support the outer element, it should look at the inner ones until it finds one it likes.
So we should be able to use the outer object for IE and an inner one for other browsers. But Internet Explorer gets this wrong too. Even if you serve it the object element that it likes, it will continue to try (and fail in an obvious and annoying way) with the nested object elements. The solution is to hide the nested elements from IE. I recommend using Internet Explorer's conditional comments for this step. Figure 18.13. Internet Explorer shows the first movie and instead of ignoring the second object element, tries (and fails miserably) to display it as well. The result is that ghost movie at the bottom of the screen.
To embed QuickTime movies for all major browsers: