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When you create a Microsoft Visual FoxPro application, it typically includes one or more databases, a main program that sets up the application's system environment, and a user interface comprised of forms, toolbars, reports, and menus.

To create an application, follow these steps:

  1. Create a project.

  2. Configure your application by setting a starting point, initializing the environment, and starting the event loop.

  3. Create a user interface for your application.

  4. Create reports and labels for your application.

The Application Framework can create applications automatically that include all required, and many optional, elements that make an application effective and easy to use. For more information, see Creating Applications with the Application Framework.

In This Section

Working with Projects

Describes using projects as a way to develop large applications.
Configuring an Application

Explains the steps involved in configuring a Visual FoxPro application.
Creating Applications with the Application Framework

Explains how to create applications with the Application Framework using the Application Wizard and the Application builder.
Creating the User Interface

Discusses how creating forms, classes, controls, and toolbars can provide a rich set of tools for your user interface.
Working with Reports

Introduces Visual FoxPro reports and labels and how to include them in your applications.
Creating International Applications

Describes how you can design and develop your Visual FoxPro applications so they are as effective internationally as domestically.


Database Wizard

Makes it possible for you to use predefined templates to help you create a database containing appropriate tables.
Database Designer (Visual FoxPro)

Displays and allows you to create and modify tables, views, and relationships that are contained in a database.
Project Manager

Makes it possible for you to organize and manage your files in projects.

Related Sections

Developing Visual FoxPro Applications

Includes conceptual information about how to develop Visual FoxPro applications, instructions for creating databases and the user interface, and other tasks needed to create Visual FoxPro applications.
Programming in Visual FoxPro

Describes how understanding object-oriented programming techniques and the event-driven model can maximize your programming productivity and enable you to access the full power of Visual FoxPro.

JavaScript Editor js editor     Web development