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This class provides a set of registry functions that access old INI-style file settings.

Category System Utilities

Default Catalog

VisualВ FoxProВ Catalog\FoundationВ Classes\Utilities



Base Class


Class Library


Parent Class



To use, drop the class on a project or form or, from the Component Gallery Item shortcut menu, select Add to Project or Add to Form. When you add the class to a form, Visual FoxPro places the class on the form. You can then specify the appropriate property values and provide any necessary input and output objects. When you drop the class on a project, you can choose between adding the class or creating a subclass.

Properties, Events, Methods Description

GetINIEntry method

Retrieves information from INI entry.

Syntax: GetINIEntry(cValue, cSection, cEntry, cINIFile)

Arguments: cValue specifies the value to be applied to cEntry.cSection specifies the section of the .ini file in which cEntry occurs.cEntry specifies the item to be assigned cValue.cINIFile specifies the name of the .ini file.

GetINISection method

Retrieves information from INI section.

Syntax: GetINISection(@aSections, cSection, cINIFile)

Arguments: aSections specifies an array of cSections included in the .ini file.cSection specifies the section of cINIfile file to retrieve.cINIFile specifies the name of the .ini file.

LoadINIFuncs method

Loads functions needed for reading .ini files.

Syntax: LoadINIFuncs(В )

Return: none

Arguments: none

WriteINIEntry method

Writes a specific INI entry.

Syntax: WriteINIEntry(cValue, cSection, cEntry, cINIFile)

Arguments: cValue specifies the new value.cSection specifies the section of cINIfile file to retrieve.cINIFile specifies the name of the .ini file.

See Also

JavaScript Editor js editor     Web development