Rebuilds a project or creates an application (.app) file, executable (.exe) file, or dynamic-link library (.dll) from a Visual FoxPro project.
Object.Build([cOutputName] [, nBuildAction] [, lRebuildAll] [, lShowErrors] [, lBuildNewGUIDs]) |
- cOutputName
- Specifies the name of the .app, .exe, or .dll file to create. If cOutputName includes a file extension and nBuildAction is omitted, the file extension in cOutputName determines the type of file built. For example, if the extension in cOutputName is ".exe", an executable file is created.
- nBuildAction
Specifies that to rebuild a project or generate an .app, .exe, or .dll file. If nBuildAction is specified and cOutPutName does not include an extension, the appropriate extension is added.
The following table lists the values for nBuildAction.
nBuildAction FoxPro.h constant Description 1
Rebuilds the project. (Default)
Creates an .app file.
Creates an .exe file.
Creates a .dll file.
Creates a multithreaded .dll file.
- lRebuildAll
Specifies whether to recompile files in the project before creating an .app, .exe, or .dll file.
If lRebuildAll is True (.T.), the following files are recompiled:
Program files.
Format files.
Source code in forms, labels, reports, and visual class libraries.
Stored procedures in databases.
Program files.
- lShowErrors
Specifies whether to display compilation errors in an editing window after the build completes.
The following table describes the values for lShowErrors.
lShowErrors Description True (.T.)
Display errors in an editing window for an error (.err) file.
False (.F.) or omitted
Do not display errors.
- lBuildNewGUIDs
Specifies whether to generate new registry globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) when creating an .exe or .dll file.
The following table describes values for lBuildNewGUIDs.
Note: If nBuildAction is less than 3, Visual FoxPro disregards lBuildNewGUIDs. lShowErrors Description True (.T.)
Generate new GUIDs.
False (.F.) or omitted
Do not generate new GUIDs.
Return Value
Logical. Build returns True (.T.) if the project is successfully rebuilt or an .app, .exe, or .dll file successfully created without errors; otherwise Build returns False (.F.).
Applies To: Project Object (Visual FoxPro)